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Fall of the Republic campaign underway
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Joined: 06 Jul 2005
Posts: 1391
Location: Lost in the cracks

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Following is a detail Enhanced Write up of the Following Sessions:
Fall Of The Republic - Outpost Of Strife, Part V
Fall Of The Republic - Uncommon Bonds, Parts I, II, III, IV, and V

Fall Of The Republic - Outpost Of Strife, Part V
Ok, I had promised much more detail on this write up, so let me take a crack at it. I hope I can remember all of it. Following is a write up of the battle for Verrinon. This may get a little confusing, so before I begin, here is the cast of Characters:
-The Players-
Drevon Ularius - Jedi Apprentice.
Vok Torik - Gand Mercenary
Trondo Corlinian - Freemerchant and Smuggler, captain of the modified Ghotroc 720 frieghter "the Corlinian Cruiser"
-The Mercs-
Borrin Gress - Leader of Red Squad, 122nd of the "Brotherhood of Suns" mercenary company. Cold, calculating, and lethal.
Sherracca Kak - Trusted wookie sidekick of Borrin Gress. His loyalty to Borrin is unswerving, and his ferocity unmatched.
Adiril Netharian - Duros dropship pilot for Red Squad. His addiction to adrenaline makes him slightly unstable.
Ji Evir'Zahn - Em'liy Mercenary, specialized in close combat and melee tactics for the 122nd, Red Squad. Master of ancient battle rituals and techniques.
Cyndran'Sin - An Ipharian~Da'Lor the serves as the advanced scout and ranger. Her expertise include stealth, brawling, and melee. Between her natural chameleonic scale, and her Thermoptic Holo-cloak, she can be nearly invisible on the battlefield.
Crrassan - A Farghul mercenary, and an oddity among her own people. In addition to her talents in battle, She serves as the bargainer and negotiator of the 122nd, Red Squad. She is also a skilled tracker.
Gondo Sim - One of the newer recruits, an Aqualish heavy weapon specialist. All around an atypical Aqualish, beligerant, agressive, and brutish. Gonda operates a shoulder fired, man portable, concussion missile launcher. He is also skilled in the operation of vehicle mounted weaponry.
Ponda Gord - Another newer recruit, the other member of the Aqualish heavy weapons team. Ponda is the loader and spotter for Gonda. Ponda is also an atypical Aqualish. Though not related to Gonda, the others of the unit often refer to the two as "the twins".
Nor Dreyla - Another newer recruit, and one of the four newest, having signed up just before Voc Torik. Nor is a Feeorian warrior, with a long history of brawling and fighting. He has become quite skilled with his Blaster-smg.
Gord - As a cragmaloid, Gord is an invaluable member of the team, not just for his fighting prowess. Gord, though not the smartest, or most technically adept, comes in very handy for moving heavy equipment, and doubles as a lifter-loader. Gord doesn't seem to mind.

-Supporting Cast-
R5-D2 - The loveable (hehe) astromech companion that Trondo purchased from a slightly off-beat deep space trader. R5 handles most repairs and maintenance of the Corlinian Cruiser, but often does so Grudgingly. He has not been memory wiped in a very long time, and has developed certain...quirks... he has become very disgruntled.
Alakai Doozhan - The Republic Govenor to Verrinon.
Alexander Brel - This member of the Chiss species, has become the local executive officer for Arakyd's production facilities on this world.
The Kubaz - ??? Not much is known, but the players are certain he is embroiled in this plot that is unfolding. A wise cracking, Kubaz slicer.
The Rodian - ??? Believed to be hired muscle, either directly behind the militant uprising, or responsible for aiding it.

-The Adventures-
Having been unable to convince Borrin to aide the cause of defending the Republic holdings in the seemingly inevitable civil war that looms on the horizon, Voc tries to sway the attitudes of Sherracca. Sherracca, after much discussion, agrees to try to talk with Borrin, but makes no gaurantees. Borrin seems more concerned with the money and resources involved, than with doing the right thing. Realizing the long day they have ahead of them, Voc, Trondo, and Drevon, secure the ship and try to get some rest.
When the three Heros (?) awaken the next day, they are more than surprised to see Borrin standing at the foot of the ships landing ramp, next too Sherracca, along with a Speeder truck and the rest of the Mercenaries. Borrin let's them know that Sherracca has convinced him of the benefits of aiding their cause, and makes it clear he expects to be compensated in some way. Borrin called the remaining mercenaries back in during the night, and makes it clear that if they are going to do this, they are going to do it his way (he is the most experienced in these matters). Trondo, Voc, and Drevon concede leadership to him. Borrin asks Trondo if, "those blasters their on your ship actually work, or are they just decorative?" and Trondo assures him they work. Borrin asks for two volunteers to help man the weapons on the Corlinian Cruiser, as he is doubtful that the militants have anything airborne that would be a match for a starship in speed or firepower. Drevon volunteers as one of the gunners, and Trondo volunteers as the other until Borrin points out "Then whose gonna fly the ship, genius?". Adiril, the Duros dropship pilot, happily volunteers to operate the other gun. Borrin asigns Ponda Gord and Gondo Sim, the Aqualish heavy weapons team, to a distractionary tactic to try to pin the militants down in the mountain pass leading to the starport, and Voc is given command of that operation. Borren tells Voc, "don't get fancy or careless. Just slow them down. Hit them hard, hit them fast, then call for dustoff. When we have your signal, Trondo, you'll fly in and pick them up in the ship."

Borren then points out that the rest of the unit will entrench about 1.5 km Southwest of the Pass, between the starport and the mountain range. He tells all involved to rendevous back their once they've finished their delaying actions. With a plan of action, the team breaks, and loads into the speeder truck. Trondo, Adiril, and Drevon board the Corlinian Cruiser, and begin flight preparations. The speeder truck, with Ji Ever'Zahn at the wheel, aproaches the foothills of the mountain pass, where Voc and the Aqualish heavy weapons team disembark and begin making their way up the ledges and cliffside to the ridge of the pass. Voc all but has his handful trying to keep charge of the two Aqualish, who balk and gripe at his leadership abilities and inferior tactics, as they work the way around the edge of the ridge, heading deeper into the mountain pass. Borrin and the others have begun to entrench themselves and wait. After footslogging for hours, Voc and his team stumble into the first hostile opostition, three forward scouts of the militants. Voc drops one with his shock whip, and Ponda drops the second with his twin Vibro Hatchets. Voc shudders in dismay as Gonda opens fire on the third with his blaster, wounding him, worse, the scout returns fire. Their position now compromised, Voc draws his blaster and fires. Several blaster shots later the third is dealt with. Voc attempts to let Borrin know they've been discovered, but the comlinks return only static. Voc keen UV vision sees the weblike patterns of powerful UV beams twisting and distorting over near the edge of the ridge, and he hears the faint sound of a repulsorlift. As he closes in he sees a black, dome-like mechanical shell with a series of antennas projecting from the underside, and several mechanical eyes and sensors along it's surface, free floating...a droid. Voc, Ponda, and Gonda begin exchanging blaster shots with the droid, chasing it along the ridgline as it flees, trying to destroy it before it warns the militants. The entire time Voc continues to try to call the others.
As Voc, Ponda and Gondo run along the ridge, exchanging blaster bolts with the droid, faintly can be heard the rumble of heavy machinery in the distance. Up ahead is a sharp curve in the canyon that the droid is making it's way for at speed. One of Voc's blaster shots sends the droid tumbling briefly and thick smoke begins pouring from it's chasis. For miliseconds, the trio hold their breath in anticipation, but it seems the droid is not finished yet. As Voc begins lining up for another shot, several humanoid figures armed with blaster carbines, and wearing blast vests, helmets, and dark grey jumpsuites, round the the corner of the canyon. Ten in all, clearly the local inhabitants of this world...militants. Voc and his teamates change targets, and begin exchanging fire with the militants as they charge the steep, sloped canyon walls and begin to ascend. Ponda and Gondo begin lobbing grenades over the sides at the militants, with Ponda actually beaming one of the militants in the forehead with a grenade...hard (the grenade hitting him actually rendered him incapacitated before it detonated). Five of the militants made it to the top of the canyon and began a skirmish with Voc, Ponda, and Gondo. Through the fight, the sounds of heavy machinery, and grinding of metal on metal, grew louder. As the trio exchanged blaster fire with the militants on the ridge, a large, tracked, armored behemoth came into view in the canyon...a tank, with what appeared to be a primitive (by Star Wars standards) slugthrower cannon, and a pintle mounted medium repeater. A single figure sat in the cupola manning the repeater, and the damaged probot hovered above the tank as it moved.
Ponda dropped one of the militants with his twin vibro-axes, and throws one ax at a second, it glanses his helmet, taking a chunk out of it, but failing to do any real harm. Gondo Blasts a third, then takes a hit from another, dropping him to one knee from the shock, but his blast vest and field kit take the brunt of the hit, leaving Gondo stunned. Voc Trusts to the force, and drops two with his blaster, taking one through the chest, and one through the gut. Voc fires a third shot, blasting through the shoulder of the militant Ponda missed with the hatchet. That militant shoots at Voc, glancing of the Gand's helmet, before taking another shot from Gondo in the back...he stumbles forward and steadies himself, firing at Voc again. Voc nimbly rolls out of the way, and puts another shot through his chest, and stares blankly in awe as the figure stumbles, drops his blaster, then steadies himself and draws a vibroblade... The militant lunges on Voc, forcing voc to drop his rifle and draw his pistol...Ponda embeds a Vibro-hatchet in his back, finally killing him. As the last of the militants fall, they can see the first tank rounding the corner of the cavern, and they crouch low. The Aqualish team readies the concussion launcher and takes aim, as does Voc with his rifle. Voc picks of the gunner in the Cupola as it pivots toward the trio, and with a woosh, the first concussion missile is away. The entire canyon shakes as it impacts the tank, blowing the left tread into scrap metal. Almost as soon as it is fired, Ponda is already reloading Gondo's weapon. Within seconds another concussion missile impacts the tank, shattering the front of the turret. The tank sits, imobilized, burning in the center of the canyon. The trio cheers briefly, realizing this will delay the militants, but the celebration is cut short as more troops begin rounding the tank and rushing into the canyon center. A group of 10 militants wearing heavy blast vests and helmets rush into view, with blaster rifles; They drop to one knee, placing grenades on the ends of the rifles (rifle grenades) and begin firing, as another group of 10 begins coming into view. The next few seconds are complete carnage, as a concussion missile from Gondo explodes amidst the advancing wave, killing many of them, and routing the rest. Several of the rifle grenades impact harmlessly against the canyon walls, but 2 come very close to home, resulting in wounds to Voc and Gondo. One rifle grenade detonates on the rifle, killing the militant, and two of his compatriots, and wounding several others. Voc and Ponda begin taking pot shots at the militants as they storm the canyon walls to reach the weapons team...

Meanwhile, back on the Corlinian Cruiser, Trondo is casually reading Better Starships & Freighters, as he listens to Adiril rail on and on in Duros, which Trondo Doesn't speak. Drevon sits patiantly in one of the gunners turrets, whirling his seat about, and making blaster noises...

As the militants begin ascending the canyon walls, Ponda and Gonda begin raining fire down upon them with blaster pistols. Voc retrieves his rifle and takes aim at the cripled probe droid, just in time to see a second tank working it's way over the wreckage of the first, albeit slowly. Voc finishes off the probe droid, and helps finish the militants, yelling for Gondo and Ponda to take out the tank. As Gonda begins lining up on the tank, more shadows can be seen through the flames of the first tank, and more militants begin to emerge. The first missile slams against the tank, shattering the cupola and the medium repeater mounted on it, killing the gunner, but the tank advances. A second missile impacts solidly against the side, sending fragments of armor in all directions, but the tank still advances. A third missile hits close to the aft quarter, near the engine, sending up a cloud of acrid black smoke, and the tank grinds to a halt. Voc is satisfied this will slow the militant advance significantly, and reaches for his comlink. As Voc calls in the Corlinian Cruiser for pick up, waves of militants begin flooding into the canyon, and around the wreckage of the tanks... The situation is growing dire indeed.
Continued next post...
"There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra
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Joined: 06 Jul 2005
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Location: Lost in the cracks

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 10:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fall Of The Republic - Outpost Of Strife, Part V (continued from last post)
During this encounter in the canyon, I allowed the players who normally play Trondo and Drevon to temporarily take control of Pondo and Gonda, so as not to become too bored waiting for their part in things. I did have to give them a little coaching at times on how the auqualish's would act ("No, Gonda wouldn't use the missile launcher as a bat and risk damaging it. No, he wouldn't waste a concussion missile on a human sized target"). All in all, everyone enjoyed the fight in the canyon, and the duo felt as if the acomplishments of the Aqualish's were their own too.

The Comms pannel on the Corlinian Cruiser flashes with the incoming signal, and the word is given. The ship screams from it's hiding place among the southern canyons, as trondo does an orbital burn. As the ship reaches the stratosphere, it whirls around, nose down, and screeches back toward the planet (Trondo figured this would be faster than horizontal, low atmosphere flight), with Drevon voicing concerns in the background. The ground rushes up to meet the ship, as the mountain range begins comming into view, with the canyons. Trondo switches off the annoying comms calls from Verinon control, demanding his identification. Trondo deftly pulls the ship upright, skimming the mountains, cutting perpendicularly across the Canyon. As they approach the canyon and decelerate, they can see Voc, Pondo, and Gonda desperately fighting off militants, as four legged, spider like, converted industrial walkers ascend the canyon walls. Missile and blaster fire screeches from inside the canyon as the Corlinian Cruiser passes overhead, slowing to a hover just on the other side. A concussion missile rocks the ship, blowing the shields. Drevon and Adiril take passing shots from the main cannons at some of the vehicles in the cannyon...Adiril pegs a bipedal walker, while Drevon scatters some infantry. R5 feverishly works to repair the shields as the ship pulls into a hover, lowering the landing ramp. Drevon and Adiril's turrets whirl around, pouring fire into the makeshift walker that ascended the ridge, as it's laser cannon hammers the vessel. Voc, Pondo, and Gonda scramble up the ramp, as the do so, a second walker begins ascending the cannyon walls... Trondo punches the controls, as the trio in back hang on for dear life, taking the ship upwards. In doing so, he exposes the vessel to more heavy weapons fire from the cannyon. Another missile hit rocks the ship, blowing the lateral thrusters... Trondo swings the ship over and prepares to counter attack as the rest of the team scream at him to get out of there. Reluctantly, Trondo flees, heading toward a rendevous with the Mercenary forces.

GM Note: The walkers being used by the militants weren't true walkers. The large, four legged ones were converted Logger and and Agro-mechs, with added weapons and armor. They had smaller, two-legged walkers as well, converted from various loaders, security walkers, and such. Damage was on speeder scale. A fe had been refit with heavy weaponry (Laser Cannons, and Concussion Missile racks).

As the Corlinian Cruiser headed for the rendevous, sensors detected a scout patrol from Verinon security. A pair of fighters. Trondo took the ship in low, hoping to avoid detection. They reach the fortified mercenary position, and tried to figure out what to do. Trondo appraised the damage to his ship, taking note it would require a serious maintenance shop to fix. Trondo cursed under his breath "This was a brand new ship". The players tried to contact Verinon security, but had a hard time convincing them to listen, as the players were all wanted criminals by this point. They decided to use the Corlinian Cruiser to attract the attention of the security forces, and lure the fighter patrol over the aproaching militant army.
Trondo Lifted off, with Drevon and Adiril operating the guns, and was imediately hailed by the fighter patrol. He was ordered to follow the escort to the landing pad, and set down. He refused, making a break for the cannyon. The fighters gave chase, easily catching his freighter. They began firing a few warning shots at first, which somehow surprised Trondo, but he still refused to set down. As the ship passed over the cannyon, they could see that the militants had managed to bypass the wreckage, and were getting close to the canyon mouth. One of the fighters caught sight of the militant force and began calling it in, the other was oblivious. Ranged shots errupted from the cannyon, and the interceptors were given permission to shoot the players down... Drevon and Trondo were horrified.
Back at the starport, the defensive militia began mobilizing, headed to intercept the militants. Repulsortanks, AT-PTs, Armed skiffs, and lots of troops. A great wall of military force swarmed across the plains between the Starport and the mountains.
The Corlinian Cruiser had it's hands full with the arial engagement, as the two interceptors continued strafing passes on the vessel. Drevon tried to get in a few passing shots, hoping to disable the fighters. As the arial dogfight errupted, the militant army broke from the canyon...a few upgunned speeder trucks at first, and infantry, but the larger, armored vehicles could be seen behind them. Voc, Borrin, and Cyndran began taking ranged shots with their rifles/carbines. Voc peged one of the gunners on a speeder truck, sending him tumbling off the back, while Borrin shot a speederbike out from underneath it's rider. The trio was slightly ahead of the rest of the merc company, entrenched several hundread meters behind them. The second speeder whirled around, the gunner on the back bringing the repeating slugthrower (.50 cal about) to bear. A hail of bullets rained down on Borrin, Voc, and Cyndran...Borrin took the brunt of the hits, but most of the impact only scuffed and dented his armor. Waves of infantry could be seen pouring from the cannyon at this point, and the first of the tanks, flanked by several small walker... On the second speeder truck, the passenger climbed on the back, taking up the now-vacant gun.
Borrin's double-barreled sawed-off blaster carbine hammers away at one of the speeder trucks, crippling it, and sending it up in flames as Voc and Cyndran blaze away at the second. The second speeder truck circles the trio's position, the heavy repeater on the back sending a torrent of fire into the area. As the Corlinian Cruiser dodges and weaves fire from the interceptors overhead, Drevon catches sight of his pinned companions below and whips the turreted Arakyd Laser Cannon around, drawing a bead on the speeder truck. Orange-white hellfire rains from above, and after all damage is rolled out, the speeder truck and it's crew dissappear in a shower of sparks and debris, leaving only a smoking crater. Borrin rushes toward the crater, as Sherracca and Ji leap from the entrenchment to join him. Voc and Cyndran fall back, taking up flanking positions to provide cover, as the Militant army breaks from cover of the cannyons and begins forming up in ranks...

GM Note: The upcomming battle proper was mostly narrated as cutscenes, with an occasional scene being played out, and the occasional roll being called for. I only played out selected engagments round by round. This was done to incorporate the feel of chaos and carnage, and speed up play. I played out the entire arial dogfight, as up to this point Drevon and Trondo had sat by and only watched while Voc was fighting the delaying action. At this point we were about 5 hours in to a game session that lasted about 10 hours.

Like two great tidle waves, the armies fell toward each other, cresting and colliding, and drowning the Mercenary unit and the players in their path. Blaster cannons hammered away, concussion missiles and rockets streaked overhead. As the Corlinian Cruiser circled, dodged, and weaved, exchanging fire with the Verinon Security interceptors above. Drevon directed most of his fire groundward, at the terrorist and militant forces, trying to asist the Verinon militia, hoping this would encourage the interceptors to do the same. After many rounds, and with the shields lost once again, force point were used, and the mamoth and lumbering freighter executed a series of insane and unorthodox manuevers, forcing the interceptors into it's forward arc. Trondo balked as he hammered the fire control for the twin laser cannon's above the cockpit only to have errors and warning lights light up his screen. Realizing there was little choice, Drevon lanced one of the fighters, shearing off it's wing, and sending it careening into the forces engaged in battle below. Adiril blasted the second interceptor to smithereans, cackling like a maniac the whole time (imagine, if you will, a Duros sitting in a gunnery chair cackling! if you can't, here is a picture that is close: ). On the ground the battle raged. The Two armies crashing together, catching the mercenaries in the middle. Blaster bolts, missiles, fire, and debris filled the area. The Corlinian Cruiser circled overhead, raining laser cannon fire onto the heavy vehicles of the militant forces. In one round, Adiril, Drevon, Trondo, Voc, Borrin, and Sherracca all burned force points. Under force point influence, Borrin declared 10 actions, Sherracca declared 6; as Borrin lept from the crater and charged through the hale of blaster fire, he easily picked off one after another of militants, his gun tracking without his head even turning to look, advancing on a trio of walkers (comparable to AT-STs) as he pulled a thermal detonator from his belt and armed it, lobbing it at the central walker when he drew near enough. The thermal detonator landed near the exaust port for the primative walker's diesal engine, circling the rim before dropping in, as Borrin turned and made a retreat...scant seconds later a blast shattered the central walker, the concussion wave slamming the remaining to walkers into the ground, and destroying them. Though Borrin head been fleeing, he did not completely escape the blast, the blast wave hurling him head first, as he tucked, rolled, and got back to his feet, dropping another militant (6 in all). Sherracca, pumped himself up on combat drugs as he lept from the crater to the other side, charging a squad of infantry, and wading into them...with blows from his powerful arms, as the wookie rage took hold, he decimated the squad (actually picking one up by the arms and pulling him apart like a wishbone). A heavy weapons team took aim at the Corlinian Cruiser, but Voc easily dispatched them. The Corlinian Cruiser poured fire into the tanks, raining down shot after shot, decimating several of them, as Trondo deftly evaded a hail of ground fire.

As the fight on the ground continued, with blaster fire criss-crossing the once green and rolling hills outside the Star Port, Drevon began to feel a sinking feeling. Concussion missiles arced across the battlefield from one of the walkers, smashing a gravity tank, as the Corlinian Cruiser circled for another pass. From the vantage point of the gunnery turret, Drevon caught sight of thick clouds of black smoke rising from the center of the city, from near the Governor's Palace...and the player felt his stomach shrink (GM Note- The player playing Drevon was actually on the edge of his seat with a worried and disturbed look at this point, as he had a pretty good idea what was happening Twisted Evil). Over the Comms channels came a general distress signal from Governor DooZhan, the palace was under siege. With most of the capital cities militia and police tied up fighting the militant army, things looked grim. Drevon convinced Trondo to head into the city, to try to help the Governor. As the ship streaked toward the Govenor's Palace, the captain of a republic cruiser answered the distress call, informing Govenor DooZhan that they were at least three days out from Verinon. The Govenor became frantic, insisting there wouldn't be a palace in three days, the defense forces couldn't hold. Drevon cut in and tried to reassure the Govenor they were on their way to help, but given the Jedi's record of failure, the govenor was less then enthusiastic. As Drevon and the Govenor argue, another transmission comes in: Captain Dev Sorenson, of a corporate security force frigate, responds. He informs the govenor that his task force was tracking pirates and raiders in the area when they received the distress call. He offers assistance, but points out that republic law prohibits the deployment of corporate or private security forces in any military or police role on a sovereign world. He asks the Govenor if he wishes to use emergency powers to grant the corporate task force authority and autonomy on Verinon. Drevon and Trondo (especially Trondo) both argue with the govenor that this is a bad idea. Trondo is certain that, somehow, this was what the corporation wanted from day one, and that they somehow engineered this, but has no proof to offer. Given Trondo's criminal record, the govenor is reluctant to listen (GM Note- I had Trondo make a persuasion roll with a suitably high difficulty). Right as the govenor almost seemed convinced by Drevon and Trondo, a bright flash iluminated the palace, the grounds shook, and screaming could be heard in the background. Govenor DooZhan, shaken and terrified, immediately used his emergency powers to authorize the security forces to take control of Verinon, and transmitted his authority codes. Drevon told Trondo to step on it and get to the palace.
Meanwhile: Voc fell back from his position as he watched the Corlinian Cruiser fly off toward the city, falling backwards into a small ditch; Voc turned and found himself face to face with a young Human wearing the uniform of the local defense forces, and the two exchaned long glances, waiting to see who would go for his weapon first...before a group of militants rushed the embankment, forcing Voc and the Human to turn and engage them. As the last militant fell, Voc and the Defense trooper exchanged nods, and went there seperate ways... As Voc wandered the carnage and chaos of the battlefield, he caught glimpses of his companions (GM Note- For this narative, I described it as being almost slow motion, with the sound muffled, and hard to hear as the adrenaline coursed through him, like that scene at the end of Saving Private Ryan). He caught sight of Ji Ever kneeling and making various gestures with his hands as he mouthed something (GM Note- Invoking Spirit Of Battle), before leaping to his feat and charging headlong into a militant unit with his vibrosword, like a whirlwind of death. He saw Nor blasdting away at militants and planetary defense forces alike with that blaster-SMG of his, which angered Voc. Borin, Ponda, Gondo, and Crassan had fallen back to a crater and were being flanked by several squads of militants when Borin lept from the crater, wildly waving a lightsaber before him (GM Note- not trying to hit, just brandishing it for shock value). Some of the militants took pause (possibly believing he was a jedi). Ponda took a shot to the abdoman and fell. As Voc tried to push his way through the chaos, he found himself engaged with a small group of militants (possibly the remnants of a broken squad); his carbine jammed, and he fumbled for his pistol as they advance, blasters blazing. A patch of battlefield behind them almost came alive as the the immense form of Cyndran took shape, her thermoptic cloak flairing open, a krisbladed vibroknife in each hand...she cut two of the five down, as Voc blasted the remaining three. Concussion missiles from a defense force walker streaked over head, shattering a nearby speeder truck, and Cyndran and Voc made for cover.

GM Note- This battle actually raged for quite some time, but I handled the bulk of it with Narrative, to give the feel of something far grander than could be handled in an RPG setting. All in all, the players liked this approach, and from time to time I did stop and call for initiative roles, and dice rolls for small confrontations. The events above described most of the ground battle, and from here, the focus shifted to the events at the Govenor's palace, and the involvement of Trondo and Drevon. This battle was also a brief glimpse at the shape of things to come once the Clone Wars begin in my campaign.
Continued Next Post

"There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra
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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like a fun game, though what range did you give to those rocket grenades? And did you even have any of the enemy troops notice the party, during that runnig battle with the probot, before the party started shooting them??
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Joined: 06 Jul 2005
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Location: Lost in the cracks

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Sounds like a fun game, though what range did you give to those rocket grenades? And did you even have any of the enemy troops notice the party, during that runnig battle with the probot, before the party started shooting them??

Sorry for the long delay, been having computer problems.
The rocket grenades I essentially just used the range for a Grenade Launcher to keep it simple. Yes, the party got noticed in the battle, that's why they had to fight the recon forces, and why the troops starting popping off rocket grenades when they came around the cliff face.

Now, this was only about adventure 5 or 6 of a campaign that lasted about 12-13 adventures. The gaming group broke up back in December, and so much more of the storry was never committed to notes (I had a few more entries ready which I may post later) but this game is now dead with so much of the plot unrevealed or developped...much to my dismay (I had started laying ground work for events 20 to 40 adventures in). I have no desire to resurect it at this time.
"There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra
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