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Mamatried Commodore

Joined: 16 Dec 2017 Posts: 1887 Location: Norway
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:14 pm Post subject: |
garhkal wrote: | Whill wrote: | But there is a bureaucracy to it and it isn't necessarily consistently done. And perhaps on some worlds it is easy to pay off hospital employees to 'lose' results or forge normal results because they don't want the Jedi to come asking to take their baby. With all the legit results that do get entered, the Jedi only have to take notice of counts over a certain threshold, so it is a very small fraction of total results because Force-sensitivity is rare. The many low-count results are not considered.
That's a good point. DO parents even WANT their kids tested, after seeing some of the stories out there, about jedi coming to take others kids, and the families not 'giving any resistance' (were they mind tricked??) |
I had this in mind when asking this question.
There are numenrous refernces of the jedi from various eras being less than popular becuse of the "baby stealing" after all we are talking about a total surender of the child forever....
Now if this was "only" hospital births and what is somehow reported on, then I dare say the odds of force sensitivty may not be rare at all.....
if 1/10 or even 1/3 force sensitives are reported and detected, then the numbers are huge, what is there about 10 000 jedi at the height of the order......with a fraction only ebing detected or reported on than perhaps the number of force sensitives, of course not all trained in any way, may be a lot higher, maybe in the 30 or even 10s of thousands.
Now if the actual number of force sensitivity is "less rare" meaning that the number is much higher but the actual number of identified and detected/reported ones are rare then the rarity makes sense.
If the numbers however are in fact "low" meaning that force sensitivity is rare then even a system of reporting and infomation will not make up for the numbers that are.
So again I feel that this is a thing with little to no acutal information about.
I can imagine most of the above but only after someone is detected and reported on, but who or what is actually identifying the younf child somewhere in the wasness of the glaxy with "every birth" and with 100s of billions of sensitive even 1/10 000 becomes a HUGE number, so there must be some system to find the children and know of their births........
and it does make sense that ALL levels of force sensitivity is detected and tested for, we know Obi wan was initally selected for one of the serive corps, the agri corps before he became a padawan, whaile others possibly deemed stronger in some aspects would become directly padawans. |
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KageRyu Commodore

Joined: 06 Jul 2005 Posts: 1391 Location: Lost in the cracks
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:53 pm Post subject: |
@Mamatried, I was never implying detection by a force user "across the Galaxy". I specifically said "In close Proximity" and while every one may define close proximity differently, I think once this reaches near orbit you have stretched credulity of close proximity. Please do not misrepresent my statements so directly. _________________ "There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra |
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Mamatried Commodore

Joined: 16 Dec 2017 Posts: 1887 Location: Norway
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:39 pm Post subject: |
KageRyu wrote: | @Mamatried, I was never implying detection by a force user "across the Galaxy". I specifically said "In close Proximity" and while every one may define close proximity differently, I think once this reaches near orbit you have stretched credulity of close proximity. Please do not misrepresent my statements so directly. |
I did not mean to imply that you meant across the glaxy, but as you say distances my be interpreted differntly.
I am sorry if it came out as an implication that you said something you did not.
I was merely thinking in a much larger scale, and my point was merely that any close proximity would lead to a limited number of candidates, and thus my point on the rarity being perhaps less and that you and others are right in the little info we have about the process of identifying and testing.
With a close proximity we will see a lower number, and the "larger" number can be explained by perhaps a group of jedi, like the sentinels and shadows and the like, maybe someone travelling and can be within the proximity.
So again I am sorry if it came out as an insinuation that you meant something that you did not, again that was not intended |
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garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14287 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:27 am Post subject: |
Well, what if just being force sensitive is not enough to 'trigger' the jedi looking at someone's kid, but there's something else to it? _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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CRMcNeill Director of Engineering

Joined: 05 Apr 2010 Posts: 16364 Location: Redding System, California Sector, on the I-5 Hyperspace Route.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:25 pm Post subject: |
garhkal wrote: | Well, what if just being force sensitive is not enough to 'trigger' the jedi looking at someone's kid, but there's something else to it? |
If you're using the Force Attribute House Rule, it'd be relatively simple to just write up a power that's modified by Relationship and Proximity, where the subject's Force Attribute is added to the character's Sense roll to succeed, with varying results based on how high you rolled. A simple success might result in a generalized disturbance in the Force, at Difficulty+5, it might lead in a specific direction, and so on and so forth. As the searcher closes in on the disturbance, they have the opportunity to make additional rolls at lower Difficulty due to the decrease in Proximity. _________________ "No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.
The CRMcNeill Stat/Rule Index
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garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14287 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:01 pm Post subject: |
Would that relationship chart be as is, or reversed? _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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CRMcNeill Director of Engineering

Joined: 05 Apr 2010 Posts: 16364 Location: Redding System, California Sector, on the I-5 Hyperspace Route.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:51 pm Post subject: |
garhkal wrote: | Would that relationship chart be as is, or reversed? |
As is. Based on the limited data set available in the films, this shouldn’t be something that just happens. Only someone like Anakin would have a strong enough “signature” in the Force to be detected that quickly. _________________ "No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.
The CRMcNeill Stat/Rule Index
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garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14287 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:52 am Post subject: |
I also wonder, is the 'predictivity of being tested' related to where one is in the galaxy? Inner rim/core, most likely, mid rim, less. Outer rim, maybe in a month of sundays. _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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pakman Commander

Joined: 20 Jul 2021 Posts: 451
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:46 pm Post subject: |
Ok, finally getting back to this ....
My game is has a lot of house rules around the force - BUT the key concepts here should translate well to most games...
Couple key points -
Force Attribute - in our game we use a force attribute for force users - it has three skills - Control, Sense and Alter. Works just like other attributes and skills.
Difficulty Levels: Besides the words (Easy, Difficult, etc.) Difficulty levels are numbered, and this concept of used for shifting difficulties in many rules. Eg. DL1: Very Easy, DL2: Easy etc. So a rule or situation may say "Task is DL3:Moderate, modified by..." which would shift the level up or down one. This can be achieved with just modifiers - but it allows for some consistency across some of our house rules...
Sensing Force Powers and Force users
Have two Force Techniques (these equate to Powers in raw) for detecting force users and force use.
Force Awareness, and Sense Force.
Force Awareness is the default power a character gets when they learn their first 1D in the Sense Skill.
This represents a lot of passive "feeling" or other basic sensing we see in movies books etc.
Sense Force - is a specific ability that a Force user has to actively lean when advancing their character and spending character points.
Force Awareness is more passive - and it can be used to sense when other force users are using their abilities.
In a nutshell, when one force user rolls for using a force power - another force user can roll to see if they detect it.
The basic to detect is;
Base Difficulty is : Moderate + Relationship and Proximity modifiers.
(see the relationship and proximity modifiers in the Force Section).
Then SUBTRACT what the force user who did the force thing - from that difficulty.
Example: Fred the Jedi uses his telekinesis to save a child from falling into a ravine - his telekinesis roll is 23, and he save the child!
Bob the Inquisitor is nearby and has been hunting Fred - and the GM rolls to see if the inquisitor sense this use of telekinesis.
The base difficulty to detect bob is Moderate, the gm assigns a 12 for this.
Bob has been tracking Fred for a long time, were both padawans together before order 66, so the GM assigns a Relationship modifier of +7 to the difficulty. We are up to a difficultly of 19 (13 +6).
Proximity wise (see table page Bob at the starport - about 30km away - this adds +10, so the Difficultly is 29 (13+6+10)
Now - how strong the force event - is based on the ROLL Fred made - he got a 23 - so subtract this from the Difficulty. (alternatively - if the event was very simple the GM may decide to just subtract the difficulty level target number the Force User was trying to hit - as a character may not use all their power for a simple task....but lets stay on target here....).
So, the chance for Bob to detect Fred's use of telekinesis is;
Base Difficulty Moderate (12) + Relationship (+7) + proximity (+10) : 29 - Fred's Roll of 23 = 6.
Force Awareness uses the Sense Skill which Bob has at 4D+1, - so Bob is prolly going to detect Fred!!
now - darth vader is 3 sectors away - should he roll too?
(technically - with these rules - you could detect a big enough event across the galaxy) - the answer - ONLY if it is important to the story....
Sensing the Force in An Individual.
The Sense force Skill is a bit more simple.
It has many things a Force user can do with it... but the relevant one here is;
Gauge Force Potential: Used to determine if an individual is
Force Sensitive (has a non-zero Force Attribute) The Base
Difficulty is DL4: Difficult, reduced by the Die Code (D) of their
Force Attribute, modified by Proximity and Relationship.
So start with Difficult (the 4th difficulty level) reduce this by the die code of the target's Force Attribute, then modify by proximity and relationship.
Example: Steve the Sith is looking for Fred the Jedi in a cantina - so he uses Sense force to find him.
The base Difficulty for Sense force is DL4: Difficult. Fred has a Force Attribute of 3D, so this reduces the base Difficulty down to DL1: Very easy. The gm sets this at a 4.
however - Steve only knows Fred by Reputation - the relationship modifier is +15 = up to 19.
But - Fred is literally in the room! This increases the difficulty by +2, or up to 21.
If steve can roll his Sense skill and beat a 21, we will know the hooded character in the corner is his Force user!
So yes - a jedi staring you in the face, if they try - can detect another force user without too much trouble.
That is why I also have a House rule of a force power called Force Veil - to hide from other force users....but that, is another topic.
Wait..I don't use your house rules
Well...fair enough. Yeah, I know - I need to publish them...
But the basic concept - is the same.
Set a base difficulty, modify it by range and relationship - then reduce that difficulty by how strong the force event or force user is you are trying to detect. _________________ SW Fan, Gamer, Comic, Corporate nerd.
Working on massive House Rules document - pretty much a new book. Will post soon....
Last edited by pakman on Wed May 22, 2024 2:39 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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raithyn Lieutenant

Joined: 24 Jun 2023 Posts: 93
Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:13 pm Post subject: |
You do need to publish your rules. I've stolen bits and pieces from your previous posts. |
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pakman Commander

Joined: 20 Jul 2021 Posts: 451
Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:54 pm Post subject: |
raithyn wrote: | You do need to publish your rules. I've stolen bits and pieces from your previous posts. |
Thanks - I do.
I have been held up for too long on "I just need to finish one more thing...".
The rules overall, are playable - and in fact my group has been playing a campaign with them for about two years.
A few things have been a bit ...fuzzy (advanced skills and space combat - still working on those) but overall - pretty good with some tweaks along the way. The biggest challenge is the balance between depth of rules and simplicity of play. I also need to re-write the character creation (way too many words) and finish my equipment upgrade rules..... (hence my interest in raithyn's work elsewhere on the pit...).
regardless, I could use assistance in proofing and play testing - so time to make a post about it the gm section?
Anyway - back to the sensing of force users...
My players (who are all force users....dang...) are on Rodia investigating a possible force user...and of course, they just found out an inquisitor has arrived - (they were not the only one who heard the rumors...).
So our rules on detecting force users and force powers being used - are in at the forefront in our last couple of sessions .... it adds a lot of tension in play - and every time they have to use an ability - it is a "hmmm...what can we get away with...". _________________ SW Fan, Gamer, Comic, Corporate nerd.
Working on massive House Rules document - pretty much a new book. Will post soon.... |
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garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14287 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 3:11 pm Post subject: |
You only need worry, if you get caught!  _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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TauntaunScout Line Captain

Joined: 20 Apr 2015 Posts: 981
Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 8:44 pm Post subject: |
Yes, they can be sensed. For example, Vader says of Luke while chasing his X-Wing, having no idea who he is, "the Force is strong with this one". |
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