DougRed4 Rear Admiral

Joined: 18 Jan 2013 Posts: 2292 Location: Seattle, WA
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 6:20 pm Post subject: |
FVBonura wrote: | Relatively new to the Central PA area, I was invited and attended a Star Trek Club gathering September 2014. I was told they wanted to do an RPG. I prepared a D6 Fantasy scenario with zombies and a cursed village. The leader of the ST group said in a whiney voice, "NO! I want to play STAR WARS!". I double checked being it was a Trek club but everyone was on board. I didn't have single WEG product with me. All I had was a prepared scenario (I couldn't use), a handful of loose-leaf paper, a clutch of pencils, and a zip lock of casino D6s.
I remembered an old scenario I wrote based on the 1982 movie "The Thing", and ran it off the top of my head. I had players build characters as we went, adding skills as we needed them. We played for hours and had a blast. The group asked me back for next month and this arguably was my greatest campaign that ran for 7 years and will restart again in January. |
Outstanding! Sounds like a great idea for a game!
raithyn wrote: | garhkal wrote: | Its like running a who-dunn-it with lots of force users or spell casters in AD&D.. Spells/magic/the force can easily neuter such a premise. |
The key is to pull the rug on your players with layers of misdirection. I have a D&D one-shot where the party is tasked with stealing a wizard's spell book. They arrive at his tower (always discussing ways to sneak in) to find they're just in time for his wake which is attended by several powerful magicians who also want to get their hands on the book. The third act twist is that the wizard isn't actually dead and plans to sacrifice the guests he knew would come in order to achieve lichdom.
It usually turns into a two-shot because of how easy it is to send the players off in the wrong direction when I respond truthfully to their division/necromancy shenanigans. To be fair, my players aren't always bright. several tried to figure out an in-universe "secret" for over a year only to have a brand new player point out that the answer was clearly spelled out in the two paragraph campaign blurb I posted on our shared drive before session zero and kept as the top-level document every week they logged in to see new handouts. |
Layers of misdirection FTW! _________________ Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green |