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Monday Night - Google-+ Game
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Joined: 24 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[Coms link up] …. Static ….. Coms weak, cannot get successful ping back …. static … transmitting in blind … Start in the "roster-baga" village … static … prove ourselves in rite of passage hunt …. static … receive emergency beacon … downed air craft … static … move out on hunt … static …. successful hunt … static … link up with downed pilot … static [coms link dropped]

*** Yes, it was a painful night last night for me. I had major coms issues and in just over 2 hours of game time, I got to hear about 45 min and play in even less … I guess it is payment for wanting to live out in the country in back woods Oklahoma … Sadly not only I had issues, one of the new players had a power outage at his place and had to switch to using his phone just to hear. There were other issues that I missed (a good thing on having bad coms I guess …) that the party had to suffer through.

Oh well, like I say out hunting or fishing, a bad morning in the woods (on the lake) is better than a good morning in my classroom. Plus, it will make the next time out even better when it goes well. I hope that applies to next week's game.
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry that I didn't make it, guys. It sounds like it was a good time, even with all the technical issues.
"I still wouldn't have a roll for it - but that's just how I roll."
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The young Lt sat down looked at the Rebel sergeant setting across the desk from im and smiled, set down a glass of cold water and slid it gently across the desk. Then taking out a data pad and recorder simply said: Ok Sergeant, we need you to clarify your mission log from the previous 4 days. We can skip through the first 2 days and begin specifically after leaving the indigenous creatures – I believe your team referred to them as rooster-bagas .

Sgt Harris takes a breath, slowly sips from the glass of water, and then remembers these are Rebel debriefers not Imperial integrators and so are (at least on the surface) on his side, so he stops the delay and side step game that comes so naturally to him in these situations. Harris then begins to talk:

Ok, the next morning after the celebration for completing the rite of manhood hunt and returning safely with all the ‘rooster-bagas’, we (a 6 man team the original 4 who were first assigned the mission and 2 additional support *** 1 rebel slicer from the intelligence command and one additional support pax) left the village at sunrise. We were lead by 3 of the rooster-bagas, one being the one we had met originally and nicknamed ‘Friend’ - as he had bonded with the Bounty hunter, our tech/mechanic, and myself. The patrol ended up taking about 5 – 6 hours of foot movement. We than came to the edge of a field being used by the Imperials in their Agricultural experiments.

We planned on continuing by ourselves and using a cover that we were sub-contractors hired by Bespin to help them improve their cloud seeding, repolsor lift flat/hydroponic farming techniques. This would let us skip over the fact that the rooster-bagas had helped us. Thus limiting the chance that the Imps would retaliate and attack their village. However, ‘Friend’ refused to return to his village with the other 2 rooster-bagas, so we had to change our story on the fly at that point. I added that we picked him up like a stray pet and he had helped us soooo we didn’t mind him tagging along.

We easily made contact with an Imperial who was working in the fields and he, being shocked and nearly speechless to see us, helped us to get back to his local command point – a tech/lab covering the surrounding fields. From there a call went out to the Compound that was our objective location. After a few hours a troop transport arrived at our location and we were brought (under very light security) back to the compound.

We were all questioned, and through a little skill and a lot of luck on my part, they believed our cover story and we were give limited freedom in the compound, a bunk room and latrine to refresh ourselves in, and a change of clothes (helping us to more easily fit in with the Imperial contractors, technicians and scientists – there was VERY limited security/military prescience). After we were left alone and cleaned up a bit, we split up into 2 groups – 1 checking the outside area in the compound, looking for vehicles space craft, the general lay out and security of the compound. The second group including myself the slicer and 1 other, to locate a usable terminal to begin searching through the compound’s data base for any useful information.

Unfortunately, both groups were only limitedly successful. The first group getting a good lay out of the compound the lax security etc, however, there was no space craft present and there were 2 AT-STs(modified to assist in ground clearing and tree removal operations). The terminal we were able to access was of too limited access to be useful, however Raye –the Slicer – was able to locate a terminal that would be more useful, once we got into a lab area (which we did not have access to at that time).

We then regrouped. The first group remained in our barracks area while I, Raye and one other went to a latrine/area to attempt and acquire clothing that would help us fit in as we tried to assess a lab area. Raye and I both were able to eventually break into separate lockers and get a lab coat, a technician’s coveralls, and other items to give us better cover. ***** There was some great Star Warsesk role playing here !!! Me struggling to break into a locker without a skill needed for it (but good attribute and luck getting me into the locker) the Raye going Oh, wait I can do this and having a high security skill breezing through breaking into the locker – with me grumbling behind him. Then someone starting to come into the bathroom as we rifled through the lockers. I ended up grabbing the coat and coveralls, jumping into a stall, and acting like the chow hall’s food wasn’t sitting right with me, and the other 2 of us warning the Imp technician that he didn’t want to go on there…

We then were able to break into a lad that had been shut down for the evening & Raye began to crack the security on the compounds main frame. Also, I was able to locate a data pad that had some information on it – grabbing it so Intel could pilfer it later. Raye was not only able to get access into the main frame, but was able to leave a key code in it so that we could open ANY door on the compound. He also downloaded a schematic of the compound pin pointing the CO’s office, Living quarters (located one above the other, in a separate ‘security tower’. Unfortunately, he also accessed the compounds flight log and found that there was a priority flight inbound, due in 1 hour, that had no POO, mission info, or manifest. We knew this was a critical flight and assumed it was a security element dispatched if our cover story had been checked and found to be fraudulent. Therefore, we accelerated our plan and hope to be ready for wheels up in an hour when the shuttle arrived

We then left the lab, returned to our barracks, and quickly planed our next action – Raye and myself, breaking into the CO’s office and then living quarters to find his ‘family diary/log book’ the objective of the mission. We leave to barracks grab a few items to look like a janitorial crew and went without notice to the tower that the CO’s quarters was in. With Raye’s security code we were easily able to access the CO’s office

A quick search of the office resulted in noting significant … I in my frustration neglected to grab the various data crystals scattered around the office **** I was back to rolling two to three ‘1’s on my rolls including of course the wild dice, so was not thinking clearly then. Next, Raye checked the CO’s computer for any files that may be our objective and to see if the CO’s living quarters were occupied. **** Unfortunately, he also threw 1 for his wild dice soooo things were going sideways quickly.

We then went down to the CO’s living quarters and the security code didn’t work as smoothly as before, but we were still able to get into the living area. I went to the CO’s bedroom to search it while Raye searched the rest of the area. In my search, I slipped, tripped into the night stand, knocked over a crystalline statuette, missed in catching it and shattered it on the floor, cutting myself in the process. **** Yes another multi one roll with a 1 in the wild dice, The party now has a nickname for these types of rolls … ‘you Harrised it’ *** After a few seconds of cursing under my breath, and dressing my hand, I was able to resume searching. I was then successful, HOWEVER the family ‘log/diary’ was a 25ish set of encyclopedic sized books.

After raye & I panickedly tried to get a good plan on how to get them out of the CO’s area, I simply grabbed 2 pillow cases, stuffed them in (bloody hand prints and all) and we each took one and simply walked out of the area back toward our barracks. Luckily, we passed few in our return and only 1 seemed to notice of completely out of place we looked with my blood smeared on my coveralls, and 2 sacks of archaic books on our backs.

We arrived back to our barracks with no further issues, then realized we had less than 20 minutes before the ‘priority’ flight arrived. We grabbed all our equipment cloths etc, and then snuck up to the landing platform. Hiding behind various equipment lockers crates and mechanical items around the platform. Then the lift opened the CO and 4 guards walked out and went to parade rest and a shuttle arrived and landing off to our left.

Our hearts sank and a gray cloaked figure descended from the shuttle, knowing it was an Inquisitor, and he began to talk with the CO . Things became worse when we heard his name realizing that it wasn’t the same one who had perused us from the Imperial cruiser on our last mission (it’s bad enough to have 1 Inquisitor after you, we would soon have 2). However, it seemed like our luck had changed for the better as the Inquisitor and the CO turned to go back to the lift. Then, a pale look of terror crossed Raye’s face … He knew he had been spotted! I grabbed his arm, kept him from getting up and running, and tried to calm him down. Unfortunately, the Inquisitor stopped, turned and began to say “I know you are there, go ahead and get up. You can’t escape you know” or something to that effect. I kept a hold of Raye and tried to calm him, hoping against hope. Sadly, the Inquisitor, then tilted his head, smiled and said, “So, there are more of you” and reached into his cloak to grab something.

I then gave the word to act now and stood up to fire. Unfortunately, I was still frazzled from my repeated failures in the searching, so was sluggish in the rest of my actions **** Yeah I bolowed my init roll here. Three of our group ran to the shuttle, some running and firing others simply running all out to get to the shuttle, as the inquisitor tossed out something I’ve never seen before, a light whip! I began to push Raye towards the shuttle as we both fired, my first shot striking home, but only divoting his armor under the cloak and Inquisitor robes. Then, unfortunately, ‘friend’ cut away from the rest of the party running and charging towards the inquisitor.

Before I could react the whip leapt out and cut off ‘friend’s’ arm below the elbow, and the Inquisitor began to strike again, and taunting the now shocked and defenseless rooster-baga. I was able to fire a better aimed shot that would have struck the inquisitor’s head, if he had not been able to hastily block it with his whip. However, this kept him from killing ‘friend’ so to me it was the best shot I could have made even without it striking him down. By now the party members were arriving at the shuttle, some still firing others sprinting to the cockpit. I was able to get up to ‘friend’ and began to push/pull/drag him to the shuttle and continue to fire ineffectively at the inquisitor. Then I noticed the CO and the 4 security troops were behind cover and preparing to fire accurate fire at the few of us not on the shuttle. I then yelled for cover fire from anywhere and kept moving ‘friend’ towards the shuttle.

Then, the shuttle lifted up of its landing gear, settled onto it repulsor lifts, began to turn around to block the fire from at least 2 of the security troops, and buffet the Inquisitor with directional thrusters. This saved myself and ‘friend’ from any further whip attacks as we staggered towards the ships still lowered ramp. Then the shuttle began to fire at the compound’s ATC/command tower. The first few shots were only glancing shots and were ineffective. I was then able to get Friend into to shuttle and craw up the ramp, I glanced back at the inquisitor who now had one arm covering his face from the thruster exhaust but was reaching out towards us with the other. The shuttle then began to lurch and rock. I yelled we were all aboard and to get us out of here …

The engines roared, the ship again shuttered and lurched, and nothing … no acceleration nothing … I continued to hear the shuttle’s cannon fire and both the pilot and copilot yelling from the cockpit. I then told Raye to get back to the shuttle’s rear (he had been looking for a weapon’s locker on the shuttle) and man a gun back there if he could find one. Then the engines quickly powered down and we swung toward the back port side of the shuttle but then a second later stopped.

The ships cannon again fired, and this time I heard a secondary and tertiary explosion and debris pinging off the ships hull. Our pilot yelled something I couldn’t make out, and we blasted off!

As soon as we were out of the planet’s gravity field, we hoped into hyper space, but we went to a uninhabited asteroid field and touched down on a large one to make repairs to the shuttle’s engine. Somehow it was damaged by the Inquisitor even without him having a weapon larger than the whip!

After the repairs were completed, we again made t different hops to make sure we were not being tracked or followed.

Sergeant Harris, took a slow breath, tossed back the water, looked at the empty glass for a second wishing it was something stronger. Then he looks at the young officer setting across from him and painfully blurted out:

I hate to admit it, but the greatest failures on the mission was all directly a result of my actions … I know to grab all data that may in any way be useful to our beleaguered cause. But I didn’t … I know to never leave anything traceable behind, but I bled on the CO’s sheets and fur fug … Mistakes my father would have never made and … Well, I will await any decision this station’s CO and/or Rebellion high command make on my continued use in direct operations … At the very least, with my blood left behind in the Imperial CO’s office, I will never be usable in low visibility, ‘spy’ type missions.

However, despite my failures, this mission was a success & I hope those that were critical in the success do receive appropriate awards and decorations. As the team’s senior ranking NCO, I will begin to fill out the proper paperwork for the awards & decs ASAP.
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another awesome recap, lurker! A few questions:

- So what do the rooster-bagas look like?

- Did you ever figure out what Inquisitor this was?

It sounds like another thrilling session! Kudos to SWR and all of you! 8)
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The first adventure introduced Inquisitorus, Sheer-loek. In this adventure it was his apprentice Inquisitor Drayth Mercuertor. Though not as powerful as his master, he was able to (with the expenditure of Character Points), reach out with the Force and for a few rounds hold their ship in place before ran out of Character Points and had his concentration broken when the control tower was destroyed by shipboard fire.

The Roosterbega's are really called Andordginni and are native of a tropical forest planet. This happens to be a type IV atmosphere world. They communicate with low frequency sound which can be controlled to speak with only person (similar to whispering) and over greater distances. They also use a number of non-verbals with their communication. The sounds are similar to a drum sound, sounding from deep withing them.

They appear 6-7' in height and have long spindly arms and legs. At least one has been seen to achieve of height of 15+ meters. The body has an appearance similar to the skin on terrestrial tubers. They do not have faces as other do, in fact it is disconcerting when speaking with them as they do not appear to have a front or back.

Their arms and legs have three "fingers" and have a wax-like appearance. Though the bodies and limbs are mostly smooth, closer inspection shows it covered with oddly shaped "feathers".

They use moss of different colors on their bodies to denote achievements and such. Things like adulthood, warrior, son of ... etc.

They are tribal in nature and though not advanced they are far from stupid. They are superb hunters and have a complex language and social order.

One of oddest things about Andordginni is their ability to blend into natural surroundings. When looking directly at them in a natural setting they are all but invisible. Though looking at them from the corners of your vision you can see their slight movements. Also at a range of 5m their camouflage is easier to see through.

A quick write-up for them is as follows:


Attributes: 12D
Dexterity 1D+1/4D+2
Knowledge 1D/3D
Mechanical 1D+2/3D+2
Perception 2D/4D+2
Strength 2D/4D
Technical 1D/2D+2

Special Abilities:
Closed System: because of the way Andordginni process oxygen they are able to go without air and can survive in hostile atmospheres with little discomfort. Can go without oxygen for one hour. Requires a Moderate Strength roll each consecutive hour.
Natural Camouflage: in natural settings Andordginni are almost invisible. +2D to Hide and Sneak.

Story Factors:
Technologically Primitive: Character cannot begin with any "modern" skills, such as repulsorlift operations, blaster, or repair skills.
Language: cannot speak Basic but can understand it.

They also have a ranged weapon called a Rrrombr which is a sort of sling propelled short spear. It can also be used as a melee weapon. Many also carry a scoop shaped, bladed weapon called a Thrrrim.

Rrrombr: STR+1D1, 4-20/40/120, RoF 1; as melee weapon STR+2D+1
Thrrrim: Very Easy, STR+1D+2, Max 6D.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very cool. Thanks for sharing all that with us, Don/Daniel!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your welcome. Hopefully you can use them in your game or re-skin them for your use. Probably the most I have developed a species for my games in quite some time. Wish I could find stats for the Tintinna.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DR4, thanks, glad you like them

As for which Inquisitor etc, etc,

First, I've tried to keep it in character knowledge instead of player, sooooo I may know the Inquisitors are master & apprentice, but 'Harris' only knows that so far there are 2 Inquisitors out there looking for him. Making it worse, they are both powerful force users. 1 even strong enough to grab and hold our space ship while we tried to fly away !!!!

Second, I have a horrid memory and forgot to jot down the names of them - and some of the players too ... I have to fix that Confused

For the rooster-bagas, SWR gave you more than I could (a whole write up), but I'll emphasize how cool it was to try and figure out how to communicate with them. A deep base like vibration that is felt more than heard and especially felt through the ground. Some good Role playing with Sam's bounty hunter trying to talk with them at first by stomping ... then Eric's character modifying his data pad and rolling high on his Language and repair rolls to get the modification to actually work!
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sgt Harris sat and tried to keep the nervousness from showing on his face as he sipped from his cup of cafeteria caffe. A cup of caffe you could get from any one of a million or more cafeterias, chow halls, messes. Sadly, this cup was far from the best he had had. Also, and more importantly, besides his two team mates, this mess was full of Imperial navy personnel! With his next sip, Harris glanced at his t friends who were also trying their best to look like they fit in amongst so many enemies. He then relaxed and though back to see just how he and his peers got into this situation.

Less than 24 standard hours earlier, his team had been given the easy mission of simply making contact with a Professor Umber Dent, a well know professor of archeology, on a remote planet’s deserted moon and attempt to convince him to meet with a sector rebel operative . Such a simple mission! However, nothing for the rebellion and Sgt Harris is ever simple or easy. Upon arrival the team found an Imperial assault shuttle with a crew of Imperial Storm Troopers and standard Army troopers standing over the already captured professor and his students. The team quickly landed behind a ridge and the combat members of the team sprinted to a vantage point to see if there was any positive effect they could have on the unfolding events below. There was not a thing to do but watch as the professor was bagged and taken aboard the shuttle moments after his students were killed in cold blood. The 3 combat team members then scrambled back to the turtle they had rode to the moon so that they could follow the fast flying shuttle. Some yelled to fire, a foolhardy move, others yelled to try an d trick the crew, a foolish move. Then, the shuttle turned short final on approach to a large Imperial battle cruiser. That decided it, be foolish not foolhardy.

A hurried call to the cruiser claiming the team was following a bounty to the moon, the professor, and seeking news on the Imperial involvement on the bounty. Plus, the ship had had a “hyper drive malfunction” – caused by or engineer just for the occasion - so we additionally requesting emergency support. A lie the Imperials actually believed! They did have the professor, and were not releasing him for any bounty, and a repair crew was dispatched to assist in repairs. The shuttle soon docked as the team prepared for its next move …

Two imperial repair crew men boarded the craft and went to work on the recently disabled hyper drive, and three rebels easily snuck aboard the Imperial shuttle and stowed away. An hour later, the hyper drive was operational and the shuttle disembarked with the three extra pax the imperials had no idea were aboard.

Soon the shuttle landed in the cruiser, the Imperial crewmen returned to their normal duties, and the rebels quietly searched the shuttle for some sort of uniforms that would help them blend in with their enemies. Soon Raye, the team’s slicer, found 2 coveralls, one in good condition the second on the bad side of usable. Harris was soon wearing the usable coveralls while Raye risked to other thread bare ones. Both then checked the flight deck for any other usable uniforms or coveralls. Soon Harris found coveralls hanging on a hook outside the nearest refresher – luckily it was large enough to fit Torin - the third rebel team mate and the team’s bounty hunter - who was refusing to wear anything that would keep him from wearing his beloved armor; however, and unfortunately the coveralls were marked in big writing across the back as belonging to ‘Crash’. Soon the three coverall wearing rebels were near a computer and Raye was doing his best work finding a detailed schematic of the ship, information on the recently captured professor – including the orders to deliver him to the sector’s imperial prison planet. Then the cruiser made the jump to hyperspace, and the three planned their next move.

Soon they had visited the quarter master and charged “Crash” for a new pair of coveralls – giving all three usable pairs of deck coveralls. However, the team could not safely stay on the landing deck and attempt to salvage the mission so after grabbing tool bags, technical read outs and other items that would give better credence to their cover, they headed into crew quarters. Then after a few quick checks on doors they found an empty barracks room for 4 petty officers. Then after a few locks became unlocked as Raye showed off his other skills besides slicing computers and a quick check the three rebels were dressed in technicians’ utility uniforms and again at a computer as Raye went back to work slicing.

A few key strokes later, the three were holding orders to move to the holding area to fix electronic errors reading out somewhere in the vicinity of the brig. This was to take place approximately 20 min before the cruiser was to drop out of hyperspace. That would be in some 4 hours … Plenty of time for the 4 to set amongst their enemies, drink a caffe or 3, and plan their next move or three …

**** It goes without saying that there is more to the story, with 2 team members on our freighter, selling the technicians on the hyper drive being more damaged than it was, keeping them looking the other way as we snuck aboard the shuttle, returning to planit side to check for survivors, hear the dying words of one of the students/archeologists, and then following the Imperial cruiser into hyperspace.

Also, I again had a roll or 2 of ‘1’s in the wild die, but I wasn’t the only one … We even once had 2 of us toss dice (well have the computer generate random numbers, but that doesn’t sound as good as tossing dice) & 6 out of the 7 numbers were 1 … Yeah bad luck is spreading to the rest of the team!
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice, lurker! I especially liked how you started at the end and told how you got there. 8)
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DougRed4 wrote:
Nice, lurker! I especially liked how you started at the end and told how you got there. 8)

Thanks. I couldn't resist seeing how the game ended. 3 of us in an Imperial cruiser, hoping to figure out how to get our target out of the brig and get away....
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, there's always the Captive Chewbacca Method, i.e., "take a captive Rebel in and figure out how to get out later" method (which isn't that far off from how our group infiltrated their last Imperial installation!). Laughing
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Should be interesting to see Lurkers post from last night's session. In all my years of gaming I have never seen a person roll that many 1's in a row. Rolling a "1" on the Wild Die has now been replaced as "rolling a Harris".

Also looking forward to see how he explains things. We had so many scene changes last night it was insane. Then the last scene as the characters are running in slow motion across the landing bay to their ship. Massive amount of widely spaced Stormtoopers and Army Troopers to the left randomly firing at the group, the two Stormtroopers at the bottom of the landing ramp blocking them from entering.

Character points being spent like water, "1's" coming up all over the place, people taking multiple blaster shots, Wounded 2's, incapacitated, mortally wounded, people firing from cover, a Stormtrooper laid out from a punishing melee attack using a stun baton. Two starship scale missiles (9D each) being shot at the fleeing characters ship ...

Though it seemed a session that was barely contained let alone controlled I think it turned out pretty good. The players all said they thought they were gonna die and they were right. A good story and the possibility of death can make for a memorable session.
Don Diestler
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From bad to worse (as if being stuck on an Imperial cruiser isn't bad enough)

After making the plans on exactly how to free the 'Hammerhead' archaeologist out of the ship's brig, set up a diversionary escape, mess with the ships sensors, and how to hopefully get off the ship alive, the 3 rebels bided their time. Then, as the ship approached the guestimated time to 30 min to drop out of hyperspace, the three desperate rebels put their plans into action and headed off to the brig, orders in hand. All went well at first. The security officer at the command console took the orders from behind his, checked them smiled, handed the orders to the security trooper and went back to work. The security trooper, came around the console, bringing the orders back to Torin (our bounty hunter) but then at the last step tripped and dropped the orders.

Then things took a bad swing to the left! As Torin reacted to the dropped orders, the trooper went into action and tackled him. The remaining 2 of us 'reacted'. Raye tries to quick draw his holdout blaster, and fails miserably. Ending up slinging it behind him bouncing it off the wall and out of reach. I swung the tool bag I was holding into the back of the security guard's head. This was actually effective in stunning the guard. However, there was nothing to do to the 6 storm troopers who flooded the area, and the security officer now standing with a drawn blaster leveled at my chest.

We, having no other option, held up our hands and surrendered. We were strip searched, Torrin & Raye were put in a cell, and I was thrown into another. I spent the next 15 Min worried about being interrogated, but we simply came out of hyper space and then after a short flight landed at the Imperial prison moon. We were all unceremonisoly unloaded, processed, and thrown into a large cell. It was surprising seeing the prison, an ancient compound that more resembled a ‘medieval’ castle/compound/dungeon than what would be expected. We quickly began to search the cell, watch the guards, and plot our escape ...

The guards, did a walk by every hour, were armed with stun batons and stun blasters, armored with riot gear, and were nothing surprising all things considered. After a few hours, it was time to put our plan into action ... unfortunately, the plan involved me needing medical aid, soooooo Torin got to take out a little frustration at losing his precious armor and jet pack on me.

A bloody nose and few bruises later, enhanced by Raye’s liberal smearing of dirt and grime, it was time for the guard to check in on us. I was able to act it up enough to convince the guard to get the medic, and then convince the medic I did need to be moved to the infirmary. After the medic left, 2 guards opened the cell and order me to get out of the cell. No amount of acting would get them to come in the cell ... I eventually crawled out to the hall, and was roughly lifted up and the guard began to hand cuff me.

Then, at the last possible second, Torin leapt into action! Exploding from the cell and knocking the second guard off his feet. I began to grapple with the guard trying to zip tie my hands ... well honestly it was more like me doing my best to keep him busy and focused on me while he kept me pressed against the old gray stone wall ... Raye then leapt to the aid of Torin, who was actually holding his own with the guard, despite the stun baton and the guards riot armor. The two of them fairly quickly over powered their guard and had him stunned and unconscious. In the mean time, the guard who was tossing me around like a rag doll made the mistake of stepping back and attempted to shoot me with his stun blaster. You see he failed to realize that despite my thus far poor performance I am actually a combat trained medic and am not that easy to shoot ... 2 missed blasts later he gives up and turns to run away, calling for back up. I race off to capture him (2 sets of armor & 2 stun batons and stun blasters is better than 1 of each, even if he does finish his call for assistance). However, from behind a stun bolt knocks me cold!

I am soon awoken by my comrades, with Torin dressed in the armor and holding the baton and Raye holding the stun blaster. Knowing that now speed is of the essence, I stumble up to my feet and (wisely) take the stun blaster from Raye. Now time to run!!!! Down the hall we sprint until stopped by a closed blaster door. Raye turns to check the other cells to see if there are any others locked away that we can save and I began to work on opening the locked door. After a few minutes of working on the lock I, in frustration, wack the open access panel and hear a pop hiss from not only the door standing in the way to our freedom but 2 other doors further down the hall! Again time to run. We soon come to a x intersection of the halls with a guard in an over watch console, but his surprise at me opening the locked doors lets us sprint past him before he can react and get the blaster carbine behind him out to fire on us. We then end our run in the prison’s landing bay, and surprise of all surprises, our Turtle freighter!!!!!

However, a section of storm troopers were around their assault shuttle and 2 others were at the lowering boarding ramp of our ship – turning and drawing blasters to fire at the other 2 members of our team. I, leading the way with the stun blaster, yell for the team to RUN & GET ON OUR SHIP !!! and as I sprint across half the bay grit my teeth as the storm troopers to my left begin to fire at us.

Now, that I am in range I level the stolen stun blaster at a storm trooper and pull the trigger a moment after a blaster bolt fired from Elo up in our ship knocks him back on his heels. My shot hits home and further winds him. Unfortunately 2 bolts from the troopers to my left hit home. Knocking the wind out of me but not putting me down. Then as Torin sprints by me and lays the wounded storm trooper out with a massive blow from the stun batton. However, the other storm troopers rain blaster fire down on Raye who stumbles from the pain at the foot of the boarding ramp.

Seconds later, blaster bolts from the top of the ramp slam into the second storm trooper at the foot of the boarding ramp. Knocking him back. Torin then finishes the job opening the way for us to get aboard our long missed ship and join the remainder of our team. The Hammer-head professor grabs the critically wounded Raye and pulls him up to safety. Torin is next up and I, after avoiding more blaster bolts, finally make it to safety.

Once aboard, I am lost to chaos as everyone aboard is yelling commands to each other ... “Get to the gun” “Take off, get us out of here” “Someone man the shields” “Shoot now fire on the ceiling to collapse it on the shuttle”, “We need more power we are locked down” “Brace of a hard take off” “Shoot NOW”. Then, with a shutter and jerk, the Turtle is away and cutting through the atmosphere. As I try and grab the medic bag I left on our ship, I hear more yells as impact sirens began to blare through the ship. More yells “I have missiles to our rear” “They are too fast to fire at” "There are TWO of them" “Shields, give us max shields to the aft” "Fly this thing" "Brace for ..." Explosion, shutter, "We are ok, the shields took the worst of it". But with that, I can only focus on what I am best at ... Time to be the medic!

I finally can give myself the aid I need to keep functional and save Raye. Then, intibate, control his collapsing air ways, Get the bleeding to stop, and start an IV to start the pain meds, flood him with antibiotics, clean the multiple blaster wounds, and do what the Rebel CO recruited me to do. Keep a wounded rebel & friend alive no matter what! Then the floaty feeling of going into hyper space. Now I can do a bit more work on myself to get me back to normal. It will take me a few days to get Raye back to 100% too, but I’ll get him there! Now, time to deliver the Hammerhead archeologist to the Rebel contact ... Such a simple mission 2 days ago, such a horrid mission now.

**** Again, this is missing half the story, Elo & Akeyro’s adventures in getting themselves and our ship safely into the landing bay at the Inquisitor’s personal prison/compound. Even with them not being in most of the ‘action’ of brawling with the security guards, etc etc etc. If it wasn’t for them we would have had NO hope!

### Also, again, my luck was to it’s horrid level. After rolling a good hit on the guard that tackled Torin and stunning him, I rolled horribly. Someone mentioned that for over 10 rolls I had at least one (at times more than one) ‘1’ every time I rolled. I also rolled 6 times in a row where it was either a 1 in the wild dice, or it was a 1 on my CP roll to try and improve a bad roll with the said 1 in the wild dice. That lasted into the brawl with the guards to get out of our cell ! Finally, after being humiliated and held to the wall, I rolled amazingly to avoid his stun blasts. (I’ll brush over being shot in the back, someone else rolled a failed to hit & with a 1 in the wild dice, but that was out of my hand) Then I knocked it out of the park on my security roll to open the blast door (with a 6 in the wild dice thus opening 3 doors) and then dodged multiple blasts in the landing bay and shrugged off more than my fair share of damage from the bolts that did hit. The icing on the cake was my medic rolls for Raye’s character! Even being wounded myself I was still getting high teens to low 20s. With that, there is no middle ground on my luck! Either “Oh my God, how can it get worse” or “Oh my God, how did I pull that off” Wink


Should be interesting to see Lurkers post from last night's session. In all my years of gaming I have never seen a person roll that many 1's in a row. Rolling a "1" on the Wild Die has now been replaced as "rolling a Harris".

Also looking forward to see how he explains things. We had so many scene changes last night it was insane. Then the last scene as the characters are running in slow motion across the landing bay to their ship. Massive amount of widely spaced Stormtoopers and Army Troopers to the left randomly firing at the group, the two Stormtroopers at the bottom of the landing ramp blocking them from entering.

Character points being spent like water, "1's" coming up all over the place, people taking multiple blaster shots, Wounded 2's, incapacitated, mortally wounded, people firing from cover, a Stormtrooper laid out from a punishing melee attack using a stun baton. Two starship scale missiles (9D each) being shot at the fleeing characters ship ...

Though it seemed a session that was barely contained let alone controlled I think it turned out pretty good. The players all said they thought they were gonna die and they were right. A good story and the possibility of death can make for a memorable session.

Rgr there. Great game, but with toooooo many 1s (and I wasn't the only one tossing them). However, that in a sick twisted way made the game even more dramatic!

Also, the jumping from our guys in the cell trying to figure out how to get out to the other 2 trying to con an Imperial supply bean counter to let them fly a load to the prison moon, to us getting me ready to look like I need medical treatment, to them thinking about bribing the prison's CO, to us starting the brawl, etc etc etc. classic star wars!

Yeah, the run across the landing bay ... that was torture! That many bad guys, but nothing to do but put your head down and run. It hurt us, but with only 1 of us runners having a blaster, and only 1 other having armor, there was no way to try and fight our way to our ship. At times, speed is the only thing that will save you Laughing

All that said, great game!

Now we just need the other group to chime in and toot their own horn and fill in the info 'Harris' doesn't know 8)
"And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!" - Mark Twain

Forgive all spelling errors.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wild Die [+Oliver Queens Home Brew Rules]
For the first roll only. If the wild die comes up as a 1, the player must tell the Gamemaster. Before the gamemaster determines which optional penalty he will choose, the other players at the table are required to comment on the player rolling a "Harris". After this the GM will choose one of three penalty options: [refer to pg.74]
Don Diestler
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