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Imperial Assault Figures
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:45 am    Post subject: Imperial Assault Figures Reply with quote

I know it's not a D6 game, and has probably been covered before but not on the minis thread so here goes.

Imperial Assault is a really nice box of minis and maps to use for the RPG. Other than PC's (who ever has enough PC's?) there is arguably enough in there to play D6 forever. Which is not really huge news since it's been out for a few years and people can still use the Hasbro D20 minis. Expansions and ally packs will readily yield stand-ins for all of the D6 character templates except the ewok and the kid. You might have trouble getting just the right gender/weapon/species combo but that always plagues science fiction RPG's.

The IA miniatures are the best sculpted Star Wars miniatures to date. Nothing will get me to abandon my beloved WEG metal armies. But I just picked up Imperial Assault, along with Jabba's Realm, Return to Hoth, General Weiss, Dengar, Captain Terro, Jabba the Hutt, Princess Leia, Echo Base Troopers, and Rebel Infiltrators. So I jumped in with what has to be a fair sample size to judge the whole line by. Having looked them all over I can say that in my considerable experience with tiny Star Wars models, it is the best sculpts by far that have even been released, from the Kenner Micro Collection in 1982 to present.

If you hate painting and just want pawns, the fact that PC figs are molded in a different color from the assorted villains makes the tabletop look nice even if you skip painting the figures. Only huge models require assembly and they snap together without glue.

My only gripe is that the pre-gen PC's are shockingly repetitive. The core game comes with 6 PC's plus Luke. The big expansions I bought came with 3 new PC's each. In both cases, 2/3 of the PC models felt redundant with someone from the core game. In the case of the smaller expansions (which I haven't purchased and come with 2 new PC's) the PC models appear to be either 2 new, or 2 redundant, models. Most of the redundancy is on the human models but a few of the alien heroes feel rehashed as well. To me, if I already had a Bothan Sniper figure, including a Mon Calamari Sniper just doesn't seem that interesting. Regardless of the stat differences between a tech, a smuggler, a bounty hunter, having 4 long haired female human pistol brandishing models just seems dull. Why not give one of them a rifle? Or a buzz cut? A bionic arm? Or something else meaningful to differentiate the models?

If you are on the fence about picking up these products purely as D6 RPG supplements, do it. I find that most RPG enthusiasts are less picky about using just precisely the right mini than I am. If that describes you, then the core game has all the minis you'll ever need for D6 Star Wars. But if you want to shave a few bucks off the budget, I suppose you could squeak by with just the minis and maps in Jabba's Realm or Return to Hoth. But you won't get as good of a value. Predictably, Hoth has more Imperials, Jabba's has more scum & villainy. For a Game Master, lack of scum & villainy might be the only real shortcoming of the core game: the 4 trandoshans are the only "neutral NPC" figures included. If you wanted to slightly increase the number of neutral figures without going in for Jabba's Realm's $60 MSRP, there are plenty of villain packs available to do just that. But be careful, at $10+ apiece, you'll rapidly approach the point at which you should have just bought Jabba's Realm to get 8 alien thugs and a Rancor, not to mention the other figures in that box. Plus, the boxed expansions all come with lots of extra map tiles to use. Likewise, extra PC's can be sourced from among the ally packs but you'll rapidly approach the point at which a boxed expansion containing 2 or 3 PC's and a ton of other content, makes more sense.

All in all, I give the 3 boxes I purchased 1.5 thumbs up for quality and value and the ally/villain packs a hesitant 1 thumb up. They've got the quality but not the value.
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Urban Spaceman
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been considering picking this up for quite a while. The price point is quite high (I'm in the UK) but it's still sooooo tempting, especially for those weeks where we can't play our normal Star Wars game.
I'd even considered running this as a side thing, seemingly unrelated, then have the regular RPG PC's run across people/events from their Imperial Assault game.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not sure how much it is in the UK. But it is definitely enough figures to run your D6 campaigns with. I find GM's in RPG's don't seem to care about using stortrooper minis instead of snowtroopers, or whatever.

I played through about 3 missions with friends before acquiring it. You might want to do that if you can find someone with a copy. The campaign missions were alright but I have heard that the skirmish battle game is a real hidden gem.

As I said the big shortcoming is going to be a lack of Cantina/Jabba's palace types. You get only 4 Trandoshans. Bossk is my favorite bounty hunter though so I'm not complaining! I guess the 2 nexu could be considered along those lines too though.

Other than that I think I got about 20 imperials, 4 neutrals, 2 alien monsters, and 7 rebels. Not exhaustive but for most RPGers, enough. If you are having trouble finding complete lsts of the minis in the core game and add-ons let me know and I'll type one up.
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Urban Spaceman
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks. Yeah, that's quite a few, and the lack of 'alien scum' is a bit of a shame, but not the end of the world (Alderaan?).

The cheapest I've seen it for over here is £77, which is around 95 USD. My local game store are charging a lot more for it.

I might hold off and see if we get a work bonus this year, and treat myself!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's the same price here. Give or take, it's a $100 game. The big expansions are about $60 and the small expansions, $40.

I'm just going to go ahead and tap out the contents to all 3 of the biggest boxes so they're here for gamers to find in the minis forum if it ever comes up. I am using generic Star Wars terms meaningful for D6 players, instead of the names of the characters and such. I'll edit if I find I misreported any of the contents.

The core game has 6 PC's, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. It also has:
2 Nexu
4 Trandoshan
3 Probe Droids
4 Imperial Guards
9 Stormtroopers
3 Imperial Officers
2 Scout Troopers with E-webs

The PC's are a Wookie, a Bothan, Male Human (Merc or Laconic Scout), Old Male Human (Armchair Historian, Old Senatorial), Young Female Human (Smuggler or Gambler), Female Twi'lek (Minor Jedi). Plus Luke in his Deathstar I costume. Not a terrible pool to draft WEG PC's from.
The maps will make forest/jungles, deserts, and the type of indoor sets we associate with those environs in the SW movies. Also maps are provided that can make convincing interiors of large spaceships.

The Jabba's Realm box contains maps you'd expect but also Sail Barge and Sarlaac tiles. For minis you get:
Female Human (Bounty Hunter), Rodian, Aqualish. To be honest they don't add much to the selection from the core game IMO, unless you happen to need one of those alien races.

NPC's are:
4 Jetpack Stormtroopers
4 Weequay
4 Gammorreans
1 Rancor

Hoth's maps are predictably, maps of Hoth bases and trenches and caves. Hoth is a non-negotiable must-have for me as a collector. The PC's are great! A Mon Calamari, Droid, and the ever predictable Female Human waving a blaster pistol. That's getting a bit old with this series of games. Can't one of the women have a rifle? Or be a male human with a medpac or something?

The NPC's are the least helpful of the expansions, if you've already got the core game, they being:
6 Snowtroopers
4 Assassin Droids
1 Repulsorlift Tank
2 Wampas

However I love all things Hoth, and had to get these figures and maps to do Hoth themed skirmish games. I'll definitely be painting up a 40 point faction for both sides, with the only requirement being that all the models are sculpted as being dressed to survive in snowy climates. The 4 assassin droids and 2 wampas aren't a terrible amount of "Neutral Forces" to add on to the core game. This set precisely doubles the amount of mercenary models in the box: Both have 4 humanoids, 2 big beasts, 1 color illustrated token of an ESB bounty hunter.

Besides that I mentioned that I picked up numerous ally and villain packs, but those are all self explanatory as to their contents when you look them up online. I got enough spare stuff to run the Hoth or Jabba Campaign without resorting to any cardboard tokens.

In case you're unaware, the boxes all have color illustrated tokens of characters and soldiers to flesh out the campaigns without adding to the MSRP. But I am a miniaturist first and could not abide such a thing. If you're just a GM looking to smoothly resolve combat, the core game will give you color illustrated tokens for:
3 rebel troops (Tantive IV style)
2 Rebel Saboteurs (Duros)
Han Solo
Extra AT-ST
Imperial Guard Champion
When taken on the balance with the cardboard tokens, I guess the Duros and IG-88 mean you could do ok with just this box for non-Imperial NPC's.

Jabba's Realm has tokens for:
Jabba the Hutt
Luke in Jedi outfit
3 Endor Rebels
Sandtrooper on Dewback
Salacious Crumb
Drone droid

Return to Hoth gives you tokens for:
2 Echo Base Rebels
Imperial Officer in Hoth gear

Why did I buy all this at once with so little experience with the game? I cleaned a bunch of gaming stuff out of the basement and traded it for tons of store credit at a FLGS. But the credit was literally written on a slip of paper. It felt unsafe not to spend it all quickly! If I like the game enough (or fall into more store credit) I'll get more of it. The products are very well made and as an avid lifelong gamer, it all started for me with Star Wars miniatures. So it seemed inevitable when a new SW man to man combat game came out, I'd be trying to acquire it eventually.

The two boxed expansions which I do not own are Twin Shadows (set on Tatooine) and The Bespin Gambit. The contain the sort of extra maps you'd expect from the titles, I'd imagine.

Bespin Gambit has the following minis:
PC's: Male Human Jedi, Ithorian
4 Bespin Guards
4 Ugnaughts

Carboard counters:
Lando Calrissian
Astromech Droids
(not sure if there are some Imperial counters too)

Twin Shadows has:
PC's: A scowling guy with rifle if the one in the core game and the Hoth troops aren't enough for you, and a 4th gal waving a pistol around. In case you don't have enough of those. This box is the worst add on for PC minis of them all in my opinion.
4 Tusken Raiders
4 Sandtroopers

Carboard counters:
Sand Trooper Officer
Boba Fett

All in all, unless you need them for something specific, I find the smaller expansions, and the ally/villain packs, look like a poor value compared to just saving a few extra dollars until you can afford a bigger box. But if for example I knew I wanted to run tons of Tatooine adventures, Twin Shadows combined with Jabba's Realm would be a good choice. One thing I will say about this series is the sets really seem to stack well with each other. You get the core game and it seems like you have all you *need*. Very rapidly as I tallied up the contents of just one or two other expansions, I started to feel like I also had everything I'll ever *want* although we all know we'll always want more Star Wars minis! But seriously you very rapidly start to feel like you have enough cool looking pawns to sort out any combat that can come up in a D6 Star Wars RPG campaign. Or for that matter, a campaign of really low points value D6 Star Wars Miniatures Battles games. I'm just hoping for a cool Endor expansion with some ewoks. I don't want to go too crazy buying up ALL the expansions cause you never know what's around the corner in a series like this.

Last edited by TauntaunScout on Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:37 am; edited 6 times in total
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Urban Spaceman
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow. That makes it seem even more tempting. I think I'll put it on the list for later.
I'm glad the price it on par with the US one. Sometimes in the UK they just change the dollar sign to a pound sign nd hope no-one notices!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm pretty sure on Amazon and whatnot, it's like $75 but you'll end up paying shipping as often as not. So I just like to get these things from local stores whenever I can. But it seems to me that the MSRP is $100. Has anyone else noticed that internet prices go from price gouging to undercutting, with no one actually charging MSRP anymore? It's weird. Maybe it's just me.

The above contents lists might be slightly off. Specifically, I'm not 100% on the cardboard tokens in Twin Shadows and The Bespin Gambit.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You get your copy of IA yet? I snagged a battlefoam case that weirdly perfectly fits the collection of IA guys I have. With EXACTLY enough room for the few other figures I still want. It's one of life's cooler coincidences. So I will be discarding the cardboard boxes from Jabba's Realm, Return to Hoth, etc. and organizing all the cardboard and paper bits in the core game box. With a foam case to hold them all, I have no fear of painting the figures.
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Urban Spaceman
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm getting it in a few weeks (after holiday and payday!).
Been looking at reviews, and have been impressed by the whole thing.

I'm one of the worst painters of miniatures you've ever seen! It was the main thing that stopped me joining my friends on the Warhammer 40k boat, which saved me money in the long term, I suppose.
"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah if you hate painting it's a good option. The unmodified figures look like boardgame pieces, not like eyesore un-painted miniatures. For D6 roleplaying where you don't mind a bit of proxying it's a one stop shop for combat resolution aids.

Which is to say nothing of the game itself. I played it a few times in campaign mode with friends who had a copy, before I bought it. It's a good little stand alone RPG, and it doubles as a tactical game if you play it in skirmish mode.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had a fellow DM buy this for me to read, so i can start DMing it at our group's conventions, but 100 for a boxed set game? WOW!.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
I had a fellow DM buy this for me to read, so i can start DMing it at our group's conventions, but 100 for a boxed set game? WOW!.

It's $100 worth of minis and the paper and cardboard is free!

Also, we live in an era of 100 USD boxed games. The only good minis boxed games I can think of that are more like $65 are the Dungeons & Dragons ones such as Ravenloft, Ashardalon, et al. The contents are not as good as the Star Wars big boxed game though.
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