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All About Lightsabers: Designing, Building, and Fighting
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:27 pm    Post subject: All About Lightsabers: Designing, Building, and Fighting Reply with quote

Please post questions and feedback in the thread linked below:

This thread will be about some house rules I've come up with to spice up Jedi characters and fighting with lightsabers. This is a work in progress that currently represents almost 15 years of trial and error, thoughts, discussions and research.

The intent is to make this thread the actual source for the rules themselves (which I will edit and add to based on feedback, research, and new developments in the Star Wars canon).

Please do not respond in this thread. I am creating another thread for feedback.

When posting feedback, the preferred method will be to quote the relevant information in THIS thread, and post it in the feedback thread. To do this, simply click the "quote" button on the relevant post in THIS thread, then copy all the text in the reply field. Do not click "submit." Instead, leave the reply page and go to the feedback thread. Click the "reply" button, and then paste the quoted text into the reply field. Then type up your feedback.

Here are the goals with this thread:

1) I want every house rule to fit nicely into the RAW. The house rule should not change the "flavor" of the game. Rather, it should enhance the system that is already in effect. It may add a degree of complexity, but it should not fundamentally alter the mechanics of the game (that is, roll a bunch of dice to achieve a result).

2) Rules should minimize the disruption of the "feel" of game play. Its okay to add new mechanics so long as those mechanics do not fundamentally alter concepts of the game design style. Essentially, everything in the system is a skill with a die code. Specialized abilities should therefore strive to be skill based, rather than a "yes/no" or "can/can't" mechanic. There may be some exceptions to this standard if they actually enhance the existing feel of the game, rather than disrupting it.

With that, I'll begin posting what I have below. I will try to be as organized as possible.
SpecForce Combat Elements
All About Lightsabers: Designing, Building, and Fighting

Last edited by Naaman on Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Building Lightsabers

The basic tools required to build a lightsaber cost 3000 credits. This basic set is generally portable and can easily be carried on the Jedi's person in a sack or pouch. The Jedi may purchase advanced tools for building a lightsaber. Advanced tools can be purchased in increments and provide a bonus on lightsaber repair rolls as follows:

Stage 1: 1500 credits/+2 bonus on lightsaber repair
Stage 2: 5000 credits/+5 bonus on lightsaber repair.
Stage 3: 10000 credits/+10 bonus on lightsaber repair.

Stage 1 tools are a combination of hand held tools and power tools. A Jedi with a stage 1 set of advanced tools can add some of those tools to his basic tool kit. This grants the Jedi a +1 bonus on lightsaber repair rolls performed in the field or while away from his workshop.
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Building a lightsaber generally takes three days (24 hours of work) plus the time required to imbue and attune the crystals.

To imbue a crystal, a Jedi must make a Control roll, a Sense roll, and an Alter roll. The difficulty is determined by the type of crystal (see the entry for crystals, below). When imbuing a crystal, the Jedi must “invest” a force point. This force point is spent, but does not provide a bonus on any skill rolls.

If the Jedi fails any of the rolls to imbue the crystals, he must begin again (but does not need to invest another force point). All three rolls must succeed together during any attempt to imbue the crystal.

A Jedi may spend time meditating in order to gain a bonus on his rolls. For each day spent doing nothing but meditating, the Jedi gains a +1 bonus to a single force skill roll for purposes of imbuing the crystals (the bonus does not apply to any other uses of force skills). This bonus cannot exceed +10. By spending 30 days in meditation, the Jedi can gain a +10 bonus on each force skill roll.

Once this process is complete, if the Jedi managed to roll Very Difficult on all three force skills, he grows stronger in the force: he gains 2 force points.

Assembling the components of the lightsaber into a functional weapon requires a lightsaber repair roll. For a lightsaber with no special features or components, the difficulty is Difficult.

A character who is not a Jedi apprentice, Jedi Knight, or Jedi Master (GM's discretion) must have the Scholar: Jedi Lore specialization at 5D or higher in order to take the Lightsaber Repair skill, and the difficulty to build the lightsaber is Heroic for such a character.

Last edited by Naaman on Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The components that make up a lightsaber—at a minimum—include the following (the typical retail value is given with each item):

Grip -- Varies (most grips are custom made out of 50-300 credits of raw material)
Emitter Matrix --100 credits
Power Conduit --250 credits
Activation Switch --10 credits
Power Cell --50 credits
Recharge Socket -- 300 credits
Safety --20 credits
Lens Assembly -- 500 credits
Blade Length Adjuster -- 100 credits
Belt Ring -- 10 credits
Crystal -- not usually available for sale

A typical lightsber is a weapon built to a very high standard of quality. The “average” lightsaber is more rugged, with a better fit and finish than an average blaster or vibro weapon. In general, the average lightsaber can be considered a “fine” quality weapon. Still, there are those Jedi who take lightsaber design and construction to a high level, producing brilliant examples of craftsmanship that are as finely tuned and aesthetically pleasing as they are deadly.

In game terms, there are three levels of quality for the various parts that make up a lightsaber. Parts that do not have an intrinsic mechanical or electrical function are not affected by the quality rules. The parts that are affected include:

Emitter Matrix
Power Conduit
Power Cell
Recharge Socket
Lens Assembly

The three levels of quality are standard quality, high quality, and superior quality. Each high quality part installed on a lightsaber increases the Lightsaber Repair difficulty to build the weapon by +1. Each superior quality part increases the difficulty by +3.

If the parts must purchased, a high quality part costs twice as much (or more, depending on the local market) as a standard quality part. A superior quality part costs twice as much (or more) as a high quality part. In certain markets, high quality and superior quality parts may not be available at all.

If the parts must be made from raw materials, the materials cost half the price of the part, and can be assembled into the desired part with a difficult Lightsaber Repair roll, assuming the Jedi has the appropriate tools (a complete stage 1 tool kit at a minimum--many of the parts cannot be assembled in the field, though a lightsaber can be assembled from complete parts in the field). A character may make his own high quality or superior quality parts. He must spend twice as many credits for raw materials (for a high quality materials) or four times as much for superior quality materials (this represents the process of either purchasing pre-sorted materials or sorting through bulk material for the best possible components).

The difficulty to craft or assemble individual parts is usually moderate.
Assembling a high quality part from raw materials increases the difficulty by +2. Assembling a superior quality part increases the difficulty by +5. Generally, it takes one day to assemble a part from raw materials.

Last edited by Naaman on Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:57 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Emitter Matrix
The emitter matrix determines the quality of the energy and light projected through the lens assembly. A standard quality emitter matrix uses the normal rules:

The emitter matrix can be tuned to adjust the blade intensity at the expense of blade length and power consumption. Choose one of the following settings:

+0 damage; +0 on attack rolls.
+2 damage; -1 on attack rolls.
+3 damage; -2 on attack rolls.

A high quality emitter matrix increases the lightsaber's damage (as shown above) by +1:

+1 damage; +0 on attack rolls.
+3 damage; -1 on attack rolls.
+4 damage; -2 on attack rolls.

A superior quality emitter matrix increases the lightsaber's damage (as shown above) by +2

+2 damage; +0 on attack rolls.
+4 damage; -1 on attack rolls.
+5 damage; -2 on attack rolls.

Power Conduit
The power conduit directs power through the lightsaber to generate the blade.

The current flowing through a standard quality conduit is very stable, and is represented by the normal rules:
The lightsaber deals its full damage to any target.

A high quality power conduit ignores up to 1D of armor, protection, or scale bonuses of any target hit by the lightsaber.

A superior quality power conduit ignores up to 3D of armor, protection, or scale bonuses of any target hit by the lightsaber.

Power Cell
A power cell typically allows a Jedi to use his lightsaber for 1 month (30 days) without recharging.

A high quality power cell lasts 25% longer than a standard quality power cell. In general, this means that a lightsaber will work one additional week under normal circumstances. It also increases the amount of time required to recharge the power cell by 25% (see recharge socket, below).

A superior quality power cell lasts 50% longer than a standard quality power cell. In general, this means that a lightsaber will work two additional weeks under normal circumstances. It also increases the amount of time required to recharge the power cell by 50% (see recharge socket, below).

Recharge Socket
The recharge socket can be upgraded to reduce charging time.

A standard quality recharge socket can recharge a lightsaber in one hour using a standard power source.

A high quality recharge socket can recharge a lightsaber in 45 miutes

A superior quality recharge socket can recharge a lightsaber in 30 minutes.

Lens Assembly
The lens assembly works in conjunction with the emitter matrix to produce the characteristics of the blade.

There are three types of lenses which can be used: plane, convex, and concave.

In most cases, a Jedi will be able to acquire any lens he wants and build his lightsaber accordingly. However, in cases where lightsabers are outlawed or the parts otherwise unavailable, a Jedi may be forced to use whatever is on hand (such as cannibalizing a lightsaber found in some ancient ruins or removing the lens from a targeting scope taken off of a bounty hunter's rifle, etc.) In cases like this, the emitter matrix may be tuned to offset or enhance the qualities produced by the lens assembly.

A plane lens assembly produces a blade according to the tuning of the emitter matrix.

A convex lens assembly produces a more focused blade. It increases damage by +1. It also imposes a -1 penalty on sense rolls when deflecting blasters, since the thinner blade allows for a smaller margin of error. Alternatively, it may be used to increase the bonuses and penalties of the emitter matrix tuning by an additional +1 for damage rolls and -1 on attack rolls.

A concave lens assembly produces a slightly wider, less intense blade. It decreases damage by -1 and it provides a +1 bonus on sense rolls to deflect blasters since the broader blade is less focused but allows a greater margin of error when deflecting blaster bolts. Alternatively, it may be used to cancel out the bonuses and penalties of the emitter matrix tuning.

A high quality lens assembly reduces the penalties of emitter matrix tuning by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

A superior quality lens assembly reduces the penalties of emitter matrix tuning by 2 (to a minimum of 0).

Last edited by Naaman on Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


The lightsaber's grip is the only component that is meaningfully affected by the following rules.

Generally, a lightsaber is made of some kind of metal, though some Jedi are known to have used wood, dura-synth or even force-galvanized glass to construct their lightsaber grips.

Below is a list of materials and their traits that are typically used in lightsaber construction:

Standard Alloy
Use the normal rules for the lightsaber. The weapon's body strength is 5D.

Reinforced Hull
Increase the lightsaber's body strength by +2. It's weight is increased by 5%.

Heavily Reinforced Hull
Increase the lightsaber's body strength by +1D and any damage result against the weapon of less than 5 is reduced to 0. Increase the lightsaber's weight by 20% and its base difficulty by 2 (in general, this means that to hit a target with the lightsaber, the attacker must roll at least 22 regardless of the defender's reaction skill roll). This option may be combined with any other material.

Hardened Alloy
A hardened alloy can be used in three ways:

1) Increase body strength by +2D. Increase the lightsaber's weight by 20% and its base difficulty by 2 (in general, this means that to hit a target with the lightsaber, the attacker must roll at least 22 regardless of the defender's reaction skill roll).

2) Using less material, so that the lightsaber weighs the same as one made with a standard alloy, increase the weapon's body strength by +1D.

3) Using even less material so that the lightsaber is lighter than one made with a standard alloy, reduce the lightsaber's weight by 10%. The lightsaber provides a +1 bonus to reaction skill rolls that use the lightsaber (such as parry rolls or Sense rolls to deflect blaster bolts) and increase the weapon's body strength by +2.

Or, reduce the lightsaber's weight by 20%. The lightsaber provides a +2 bonus to reaction skill rolls that use the lightsaber (such as parry rolls or Sense rolls to deflect blaster bolts).

Chemically Treated Alloy
The lightsaber gains a +4D bonus to its body strength against energy attacks. This bonus is fully applied, even against a lightsaber or other energy weapon that negates armor bonuses. It may be applied in addition to any other metallic materials that are used.

Organic Material
A lightsaber grip made of organic material (such as wood or bone) will bypass the detection of technological devices such as metal detectors. To successfully make a lightsaber out of organic material, a character must succeed at a Moderate Control skill roll and a Difficult Alter skill roll in order to galvanize the molecules for use in a combative role. If this process is skipped, reduce the body strength of the weapon by -1D.

Grip Styles

Most lightsabers use a standard grip and follow the normal rules for fighting with a lightsaber. A Jedi can design the grip according to his preferences or needs.

Below are some sample options. Player and GM should feel free to discuss additional options. Generally, each option comes with some kind of trade-off in effectiveness.

Two-Handed Grip
The grip of this weapon is slightly longer than a standard grip and is weighted to optimize two-handed use.

+1 on attack and parry rolls when wielded in two hands.
-2 on attack and parry rolls when wielded in one hand.

Two-Handed Grip, Curved
The grip of this lightsaber curves inward such that the lower hand is farther forward than the upper hand, giving the wielder greater leverage during a swing.

+2 on attack rolls when wielded in two hands
-2 on attack and parry rolls when wielded in one hand.

Fencing Grip
This lightsaber grip is balanced and optimized for one-handed use making quick cuts and thrusts, but wounds inflicted tend to be shallow.

+1 on all attack and parry rolls with the lightsaber when wielded in one hand.
-1D to all damage rolls with the lightsaber.

Dexterity Grip
This grip is well balanced for two-handed use and facilitates quick twirls or sweeps of the blade.

+1 bonus on Sense rolls to deflect blaster bolts.
-1 on attack rolls when wielded in one hand.

Last edited by Naaman on Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:30 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The crystal sets the lightsaber's base damage and determines it's effectiveness when attuned to the force. There are a few types of crystals that can be used to make a lightsaber, but Adegan crystals are preferred. Below is a list of known Adegan crystal varieties:

Locate/Identify: Very Easy (Scholar: Geology); Easy (Scholar: Jedi Lore)
Base Damage: 3D+2
Max Damage (Control): Add or subtract up to 3D+2 of the user's Control skill dice to damage (see below).
--Control: Easy or Difficult
--Sense: Easy or Difficult
--Alter: Easy or Difficult
Special: When attuning the crystal, if the Jedi rolls at least Difficult for all three force skills, he may add up to 4D+2 of his Control skill dice to the lightsaber's damage.

Locate/Identify: Easy (Scholar: Geology); Easy (Scholar: Jedi Lore)
Base Damage: 4D
Max Damage (Control): Add or subtract up to 4D of the user's Control skill dice to damage (see below).
--Control: Easy
--Sense: Easy
--Alter: Easy
Special: The relacite crystal is uniquely capable of channeling tremendous amounts of energy. By expending 1 character point, the Jedi may add double his Control skill dice (no upper limit) to the lightsaber's damage on a single damage roll (the character point is spent after a successful attack roll but before damage is rolled). If this ability is used, after dealing damage the Jedi must make a Difficult Control roll. If this roll fails, the crystal is overloaded and shatters, ruining the lightsaber. A new crystal must be attuned and installed in order to use the lightsaber again.

Locate/Identify: Moderate (Scholar: Geology); Easy (Scholar: Jedi Lore)
Base Damage: 4D+2
Max Damage (Control): Add or subtract up to 4D+2 of the user's Control skill dice to damage.
--Control: Moderate or Very Difficult (see below)
--Sense: Moderate or Difficult (see below)
--Alter: Moderate
Special: If the Jedi rolls at least Very Difficult when rolling Control to attune the crystal, he may add or subtract up to his full Control skill dice to the lightsaber's damage.
If the Sense roll to attune the crystal is Difficult or higher, the Jedi receives a +2 bonus on Sense rolls to deflect blaster bolts.

Locate/Identify: Difficult (Scholar: Geology); Moderate (Scholar: Jedi Lore)
Base Damage: 5D
Max Damage (Control): Add or subtract up to 5D of the user's Control skill dice to damage (see below).
--Control: Moderate or Very Difficult (see below)
--Sense: Moderate
--Alter: Moderate
Special: If the Jedi rolls at least Very Difficult when rolling Control to attune the crystal, he may add or subtract up to his full Control skill dice to the lightsaber's damage.
If he rolls Very Difficult for all three force skills, then he receives a +1 bonus on all force skill rolls while he is in possession of the lightsaber.

Locate/Identify: Heroic (Scholar: Geology); Heroic (Scholar: Jedi Lore)
Base Damage: 5D+2
Max Damage (Control): Add or subtract user's full Control skill dice to base damage.
--Control: Very Difficult
--Sense: Very Difficult
--Alter: Very Difficult
Special: The act of attuning the pontite crystal grants the Jedi a permanent +1D bonus on Willpower rolls. This bonus increases by +2 (to 1D+2) while the Jedi is in possession of the lightsaber, and anyone within 10 meters of the Jedi and the lightsaber receives a +2 bonus on Willpower checks and to activate force powers that rely on calm emotions (such as emptiness, concentration, and others at the GM's discretion). When within 10 meters of the Jedi with a pontite lightsaber, characters attempting to activate force powers that award dark side points suffer a -1D penalty on their force skill rolls; if such a character has fallen to the dark side, he also suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls and Willpower rolls (instead of gaining a bonus).

Last edited by Naaman on Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:57 am; edited 3 times in total
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fighting With a Lightsaber

One-Handed Grip
+1 bonus on attacks and parries with the lightsaber in melee combat. When facing multiple opponents (in melee or at range), the Jedi takes a -1D penalty on parry rolls (instead of the bonus).

Two-Handed Grip
This is the standard way to fight with a lightsaber. There are no special bonuses or penalties except as noted below: if parrying an attack that was made using a one-handed grip (see above), you may re-roll your lowest die.

Reverse Grip
The Jedi holds the lightsaber “upside down” with the blade pointing toward the ground or away from the Jedi's center line. The Jedi suffers a -2 penalty on all reaction skill rolls with the lightsaber (typically, parry rolls and Sense rolls to deflect blaster bolts). When making multiple attacks in a round, the Jedi gains a +2 bonus on each attack roll as long as each attack targets a different opponent.

Fighting With Two Lightsabers
Once per round, the Jedi may make two attacks (one with each lightsaber) on the same turn. The second attack does not count as an action for purposes of calculating MAPs.

Instead of making the extra attack, the Jedi may elect to make a parry roll as a free action.

Note that most Jedi who are seen fighting with two lightsabers are using this method. Some Jedi are masters of fighting with two lightsabers, and use the Jar'Kai technique explained later. See below for a brief explanation.

Jar'Kai is more than merely fighting with two lightsabers. It is a complete combat style that takes advantage of two lightsabers. See the Jar'Kai lightsaber form for more information. A character using Jar'Kai has several options as shown below (for rules, see the Lightsaber: Jar'Kai skill later in this thread).

--Double Attack: The Jedi may make two attacks for each attack action he declares with his lightsabers. Every pair of attacks counts as a single action for purposes of calculating MAPs.

--Off-Hand Parry: The Jedi uses one lightsaber offensively and the other defensively.

--Double Parry: If the Jedi makes no attacks this round, he gains a bonus on all parry rolls with his lightsaber as well as to Sense rolls to deflect blaster bolts.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lightsaber Skill and Variants

Form I, Shii-Cho
Skill: Lightsaber
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber. At the start of each round, you may choose to modify your lightsaber's damage using your Control skill dice. For each die you do not use to modify damage, you may re-roll a single die related to lightsaber combat each round (this applies to attack rolls, parry rolls, Sense and Control rolls when deflecting blasters, and to damage rolls). No single roll can benefit from more than one re-roll.

A character with this skill can also roll make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

Last edited by Naaman on Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:43 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Form II, Makashi
This skill is a variant of the Lightsaber skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting before he can learn this variant.
Skill: Lightsaber (Makashi)
Requirements: Lightsaber 5D; Control 4D; Sense 4D
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Makashi) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber. When parrying with your lightsaber, if your parry roll beats the difficulty by 10 or more, you may immediately declare an additional action (interrupting the normal turn sequence) to make an attack against the opponent who missed you.

A character with this skill can also make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

In addition, you have three options when wielding lightsaber:

--Feint: Once per round, you may feint. Declare a feint (one non-roll action) along with an attack. The feint and attack happen at the same time (note that the feint imposes a MAP on the attack). For each D you have in Con, you get a +1 bonus on the accompanying attack roll against a single target. The target may declare a reaction (MAPs apply) to add a bonus to his parry roll equal to +1 for each D he has in Con or Willpower. This reaction skill roll only applies against your feint attack. Previous or future reaction skills retain their effects for the duration of the round.

--Demoralize: Make an Intimidation roll against a single target (this counts as an action for the purposes of calculating MAPs). If you succeed, the target suffers a -2D penalty on attack rolls against you, but gains a +1D bonus on parry rolls against you.

--Taunt: Roll Persuasion against a single target to coax him into overconfidence (this counts as an action for the purposes of calculating MAPs). If you succeed, the target gains a +1D bonus on attack rolls against you, but suffers a -1D penalty on parry rolls against you.

Last edited by Naaman on Fri Oct 25, 2019 6:22 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Form III, Soresu
This skill is a variant of the Lightsaber skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting before he can learn this variant.
Skill: Lightsaber (Soresu)
Requirements: Lightsaber 4D; Control 3D; Sense 3D
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Soresu) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber.

A character with this skill can also make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

In addition, Soresu provides the following effects:

--Saber Orbit: Instead of adding your Control skill dice to your lightsaber's damage, you may reserve some of the dice to enhance your defensive abilities. For each D you do not use to modify the lightsaber's damage, you gain a +1 bonus on parry rolls with your lightsaber.

--Stonewall: When rolling Sense to deflect blaster bolts, you gain a bonus on your roll equal to +1 for each D you have in this skill.

--Fortress: If you declare no attacks this round, you may add your Lightsaber (Soresu) skill and your Sense skill together as a single reaction skill that applies against both melee and qualifying ranged attacks.

Last edited by Naaman on Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:00 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Form IV, Ataru
This skill is a variant of the Lightsaber skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting before he can learn this variant.
Skill: Lightsaber (Ataru)
Requirements: Lightsaber 4D; Control 3D; Sense 1D; Brawling 4D; Climbing/Jumping (or a specialization in Jumping) 5D; must know the Enhance Attribute force power.
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Ataru) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber. At the start of each round, you may choose to modify your lightsaber's damage using your Control skill dice. For each die you do not use to modify damage, you may increase your Strength (and associated skills) by +1 pip. This ability does not combine with the Enhance Attribute power. If both are in effect, apply whichever is higher.

A character with this skill can also make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

In addition, Ataru provides the following effects:

--Jung Su Ma: You may declare a melee attack against an opponent that is outside of your melee range. As part of the attack, you may move a number of meters equal to the number of D you have in Running. This movement counts as a free action and happens on the same turn as your attack.

--Ton Su Ma: Instead of making a regular attack, you may leap at your opponent with a powerful strike. For each D you have in Jumping, you gain a +1 bonus on your attack roll; the leap itself counts as one non-roll action (MAPs apply). The jump and the attack occur on the same turn. If you have at least 6D in Jumping, you may apply this bonus on up to two attacks in the same round. If you have 8D in Jumping, you may apply the bonus on up to three attacks in the same round. Regardless of how many attacks you make, the leap only counts as one action for purposes of calculating MAPs.

--En Su Ma: You may use your Acrobatics skill in place of all reaction skills this round. If you declare any attacks this round, you may not use this ability unless the attack was an unarmed attack or was made using the Lightsaber (Ataru) skill.

--Living Weapon: After making an attack roll, but before the results are revealed, you may choose to gain a +5 bonus on your attack. If you hit, you deal your Brawling damage to the opponent instead of your lightsaber's damage. If you miss, you may not attack that opponent next round (though you may otherwise act normally).

Last edited by Naaman on Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:51 am; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Form V, Shien
This skill is a variant of the Lightsaber skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting before he can learn this variant.
Skill: Lightsaber (Shien)
Requirements: Lightsaber 4D; Control 3D; Sense 4D
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Shien) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber.

A character with this skill can also make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

In addition, Shien provides the following effects:

--Peace Through Superior Firepower: For each D you have in this skill, you gain a +1 bonus on your Control skill rolls to redirect blaster bolts.

--Guarded Stance: You may redirect any blaster shot that you successfully deflect, even if your Sense roll does not succeed by a margin of 5 or more.

--Combat Reflexes: When opponents combine actions against you, you can negate their combined action bonus by an amount equal to the number of D you have in Dexterity. This effect applies to both melee and ranged combat.

Form V, Djem-So
This skill is a variant of the Lightsaber skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting before he can learn this variant.
Skill: Lightsaber (Djem-So)
Requirements: Lightsaber 4D; Control 3D; Sense 3D; Lifting 4D; Stamina 4D
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Djem-So) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber.

A character with this skill can also make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

In addition, Djem-So provides the following effects:

--Dominance: When making an attack roll with your lightsaber, you may re-roll a number of dice equal to the number of D you have in Strength. If you have at least 6D in Lifting, you may re-roll on additional die. If you have 8D in Lifting, you may re-roll up to two additional dice.

--Perseverance: If you declare no more than one attack this round (which must be with your lightsaber), you gain a bonus on your parry rolls in melee combat equal to +1 for each D you have in Stamina.

--Counter: If you declare no attacks this round and you are attacked in melee combat and the attacker misses by 10 or more, you may immediately declare an additional action (interrupting the normal turn sequence) to attack the opponent who attacked you (MAPs apply).

Last edited by Naaman on Thu Oct 17, 2019 11:34 am; edited 3 times in total
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Form VI, Niman
This skill is a variant of the Lightsaber skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting before he can learn this variant.
Skill: Lightsaber (Niman)
Requirements: Lightsaber 3D; Control 3D; Sense 3D
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Niman) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber.

A character with this skill can also make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

In addition, Niman provides the following effects:

--Instead of adding your Control skill dice to your lightsaber's damage, you may reserve some of the dice to enhance your force abilities. For each D you do not use to modify the lightsaber's damage, you gain a +1 bonus on any force skill rolls you make during combat.

--Once per round, at the same time as you attack with a lightsaber, you may activate a force power as a free action.

--Each time your skill level in this skill is raised to a new D level (for example, from 4D+2 to 5D), you also increase any other skill by one pip. The chosen skill must be at least 2D lower than your Lightsaber (Niman) skill.

Last edited by Naaman on Thu Oct 17, 2019 11:35 am; edited 3 times in total
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Form VII, Juyo
This skill is a variant of the Lightsaber skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting before he can learn this variant.
Skill: Lightsaber (Juyo)
Requirements: Lightsaber 5D; Control 4D; Sense 3D; Intimidation 4D
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Juyo) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber. The first time in any encounter that you make an attack with this skill, you must make a Willpower check (difficulty is Moderate plus 2 for every dark side point you have). If you fail, you gain a dark side point.

A character with this skill can also make a Sense roll as a reaction skill to deflect blaster bolts. If the Sense roll is at least 5 higher than the attack roll, he may also make a Control roll (an additional action) to aim the blaster bolt at another target. The target opposes with Dodge (or other appropriate reaction skill). If hit, the target takes the deflected attack's damage.

In addition, Juyo provides the following effects:

--Oppress: When making multiple attacks with this skill, you gain a bonus on your attack rolls. The bonus is equal to the number of D you have in this skill or your total number of dark side points (whichever is lower).

--Subjugate: Make an Intimidation roll (a single action) against all opponents that are within melee range of you. You gain a +1 bonus on this roll for each D you have in Lightsaber (Juyo). Any opponent who fails his Willpower roll suffers the following consequence: if he attacks you this round, you gain a +1D bonus on a single attack roll against him before his next turn.

--Assured Strike: Instead of allocating your Control skill dice to modify damage, you may allocate them to a single attack roll this round. For each D you do not allocate to modify damage, you gain a +1 bonus to a single attack roll. Note that if you choose to make multiple attacks, this ability is not cumulative with the Oppress ability, above.

--Swift Flank: If you wait to attack an opponent until after he attacks you, you gain a bonus on yor parry roll equal to +1 for every D you have in Dodge . If your parry roll succeds by a margin of 10 or more, you also gain a +1D bonus on your ensuing attack roll. If you use this ability, you may make no other attacks this round.

(A) Form VII, Vaapad
This skill is an advanced skill. A character must be proficient with the fundamentals of lightsaber fighting and Form VII, Juyo before he can learn this skill.
Skill: (A) Form VII, Vaapad
Requirements: Lightsaber 5D; Lightsaber (Juyo 8D), Control 6D, Sense 5D, Willpower 6D; Dark side point total must be 0.
Time Taken: One round.

Effect: Roll Lightsaber (Juyo) to make attacks and parries with your lightsaber. You may add your dice in this skill to the rolls. In addition, you must have a dark side point total of 0 to gain the following benefits:

--Dark Side Feedback: Anytime an opponent gains a dark side point, you immediately gain a force point. This force point must be spent before the encounter ends or it is lost. Note that how you spend the force point still matters: if you do not have an opportunity to spend the force point in a heroic or benevolent way, you can still gain a dark side point by spending a force point frivolously or maliciously. In some cases, it may be wisest to let the free force point expire rather than succumb to the lust for power.

--Master of Self: Add your dice in this skill to Willpower checks made to resist dark side points.

--Tempered Agression: When making multiple attacks with your lightsaber, you gain a bonus on each attack equal to the number of dice you have in (A) Vaapad or the number of force points you have (whichever is higher). This ability replaces the Oppress ability of the Lightsaber (Juyo) variant.

Last edited by Naaman on Fri Oct 25, 2019 6:52 pm; edited 5 times in total
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