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Star Wars Green Vipers (inc.The Long Shot Campaign)
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The Bissler

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:12 am    Post subject: Star Wars Green Vipers (inc.The Long Shot Campaign) Reply with quote

Hi all! Welcome to my campaign log!

EDIT: For ease, I'll keep updating this original entry with links to full reports on each adventure as well as links for fellow GMs to run new adventures I've created and additional adventures/materials for some published material.

Adventure Logs:

Episode I: Escape from Yavin
Briefing: Introduction to the Long Shot Campaign Setting
Episode II: Tests of the Godking
Episode III: The Heat of Freedom
Episode IV: The Pirates of Pilahni (Prexiar)
Episode V: Assault on Repair Station M13 (Part I)
Episode V: Assault on Repair Station M13 (Part II)
Episode VI: To Free The Forgotten
Episode VII: The Plant
Briefing: Rebels of Callonia Mission (Chayloon)
Episode VIII: The Rebels of Callonia (Chayloon) (Part I)
Episode VIII: The Rebels of Callonia (Chayloon) (Part II)
Episode VIII: The Rebels of Callonia (Chayloon) (Part III)
Episode IX: The Battle of Lorimax
Episode X: Scavenger Hunt (Part I)

New Adventures/Additonial Materials for Published Outlines:

Escape From Yavin (original adventure)
The Heat of Freedom (additional materials to flesh out scenario in Classic Campaigns)
Assault on Repair Station M13 (additional material to flesh out scenario in Classic Campaigns)
Rebels of Chayloon Intelligence Report (players information for Star Padre's adventure)
The Battle of Lorimax

I've started up a fresh campaign for my players and will be running The Long Shot Campaign before pressing on with the published adventures and a few home-brew games. I may yet run the Bissilirus Campaign as well.

I'm going to be put up opening crawls for each adventure on Youtube, these can usually be found both in the Additional Materials posts, but I usually have them in the write ups too.

Last edited by The Bissler on Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:05 am; edited 34 times in total
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:08 pm    Post subject: Re: The Long Shot Campaign/The Bissillirus Campaign Reply with quote

The Bissler wrote:
Hi all!

I've started up a fresh campaign for my players and will be running The Long Shot Campaign before pressing on with The Bissillirus Campaign, eventually progressing to playing through all of the published adventures.

I'm going to be put up opening crawls for each adventure on Youtube, would these be of help to anyone?

Also, has anyone actually fleshed out all of the adventures for The Long Shot Campaign? I'm prepared to do it myself, but if a resource for it already exists, that would save me a huge amount of work!

I've never ran the Bissillirus Campaign. I ran the Longshot Campaign back in my 1e days but I don't have any materials from it. I think maybe someone here has ran it but I don't know if they have anything. (I ran "Tests of the Godking" for a couple other player groups without running the rest of the campaign.) The Longshot appeared in several campaigns.

I remember a Force PC who worshipped his mentor, the Rebel Force NPC Santhou Lazith'chika. There was hilarious moment in an adventure where the PC triumphantly declared like He-Man, "I have ja powa of chanchow wajin'jika!" Over time the player realized that playing a Jedi was not as fun as he thought it would be with all the moral restrictions (DSP warnings), so eventually the player purposefully crossed over the Dark Side so he could play a different character. His next PC was a bounty hunter that he roleplayed much better.

Anyway, please feel free to post the opening crawls and anything else about your campaign in this thread. It would be great if you could link or copy and paste any adventure notes, which may help others. Thank you.
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The Bissler

Joined: 08 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2020 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ha, thanks Whill, one of my players had similar issues with playing a Jedi so I totally get what you're saying about Jedi characters!

I'll update things here as requested as and when we progress.
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The Bissler

Joined: 08 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2020 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's the introductory adventure I wrote for my PCs which leads into the Long Shot Campaign. A fully illustrated version of this is available on my ad-free, not for profit blog.

A write up of the session adventure is also available.

Introductory Adventure: Flight from Yavin

Music Cue: The Imperial March

Space. A crippled TIE fighter drifts in the distance. The underside of a dark grey gargantuan ship slides into view and passes overhead for what seems like an eternity. Its tractor beams lock on to the stricken craft and bring it in to one of the hangar bays. This is Darth Vader’s personal flagship, the Super Star Destroyer, Executor.

In the hangar bay, Darth Vader emerges from the TIE Advanced Fighter and is met by Admiral Ozzel.

Ozzel: My lord, its is a relief to see you again. When we heard of the destruction of the Death Star, we feared the worst.

Vader: You may dispense with the pleasantries, Admiral. The evacuation of the Rebel base may not yet be over. Set course for the moon of Yavin IV. I want those rebels.

Ozzel: Yes, my lord. It will be done.

Wipe to:

The Centurion - a modified YT-1300 - drops out of hyperspace and begins its descent into the atmosphere of the jungle moon of Yavin 4.

Cut to:

Yavin base. As you troop off the Centurion, you see the base is a hive of activity with personnel hurriedly loading up their transports and ships blasting off every other minute. Out of the confusion, a large man strides up to you. A pilot and an R2 unit hurry after him. As he addresses you, he casts a scrutinising gaze across each one of you. He doesn’t look impressed.

Shepherd: I’m Commander Shepherd - and you’re late. We’re a little rushed for time so I don’t have time for a proper debriefing. You missed the main excitement. The Death Star has been destroyed, but not before the location of this base was uncovered. It’s a sure bet half the Imperial Fleet are on their way here. The evacuation is well underway but we’ve several more transports requiring escort. Nightburner here will help you but we’ve still got two spare X-Wings that weren’t employed in the attack upon the Death Star, anyone want to pilot one?

Allow the PCs to volunteer. If anyone asks about why they don’t have enough pilots, Shepherd explains that many of their best pilots were killed in the attack at Scarif base. As soon as they’ve done so…

A klaxon sounds across the base as something blocks out the sun. Rebels look to the sky and cry out in dismay.

Music Cue: Rebels At Bay

Shepherd: Looks like we’ve run out of time! You’ll be protecting two troop transports. Once they make the jump, you can follow too. Your designation is Tango Squadron. Volunteers, get to the hangar and into your X-Wings! The rest of you, back on your freighter - and take my droid R2-G8 with you. He’ll provide your ship’s hyperdrive with the co-ordinates to the rendezvous point.
[R2 Unconvinced Grumbling & Taking the Comlink] Do as your told R2! They’ll take care of you, won’t you?

The X-Wings are already programmed for the jump. You’re Green Team. Get to your ships - and may the force be with you!

Allow the PCs to get to their ships and get set for take-off. As they do so, the transports they have to escort take off. Comms flash on each ship’s dashboards. They receive the following communication:

Alliance HQ: Green Squadron this is Alliance HQ. Enemy fighters coming your way. Head for bearing 6-7-3. You’ll have to navigate a small asteroid belt before you can make the jump to hyperspace, but it should offer you some protection from those fighters. Those transports will be right behind you, use your sensors to clear a path. A few of our flyboys use it for training, they say the larger the asteroid, the easier they are to dodge. Still, the smaller asteroids will do less damage! Good luck.

Music Cue: The Imperial March

Wipe to:

Lord Vader stands on the bridge of his vessel, staring out the viewport at the forest moon of Yavin IV. Admiral Ozzel briskly approaches him.

Ozzel: Lord Vader, the Rebels are scrambling their transports in several directions to split our forces. One group is headed into a small asteroid field. Sending TIE fighters in to pursue would be a wasted-

Vader: Asteroids do not concern me Admiral, I want those ships destroyed.

Ozzel: As you wish, my lord. [Ozzel turns and barks orders to the command crew] Scan the asteroid field! Find the Rebels and guide our TIE squadrons to them!

The Asteroid Chase:

Music Cues: Hyperspace & the Asteoird Field. Once TIEs are involved, run Ben’s Death and TIE Fighter Attack

Use the map provided. The team must negotiate the asteroid field and deal with incoming TIE fighters! Assign a squadron of 3 TIE Fighters for each Rebel ship (excluding transports) there is in the field. This is a hard challenge, but, it’s likely that a few of the fighters may be destroyed inside the field.

Scale: Each square on the grid represents movement of 2 Space units. This means that the YT-1300 can move 2 squares in standard movement, while an X-Wing can move 4.

Sensors: These will be vitally important in discovering both asteroids and enemy fighters. Anyone working sensors will know that with so many objects ahead of them, their scopes will be overwhelmed with readings. A very easy Knowledge roll or communication to Alliance HQ will provide them with the information that limiting the number of items they are scanning will provide them with clearer results. It will be extremely difficult to find the smaller asteroids and enemy fighters.

Sensors will pick up the closest asteroid/fighter in their range. Difficulty increases by one level per number of additional of obstacles the person searching is looking for. Check which type of scanning each PC is using. The difficulty of each roll is further adjusted by the size of the nearest object (or furtherest of those a ship can within the range it is searching for if looking for more than one object). Switching to Search will provide the best chances of identifying objects but this will create blind spots because the scanning can only happen in one direction. Once an asteroid has been picked up on Sensors, it is permanently revealed.
Note that asteroids can move at the GM’s discretion to ratchet up the tension further!

Number of Objects Scanned For: Difficulty 5 +5 per obstacle searched for beyond 1.
Size of Asteroid: Huge: 0, Large +5, Small +10
TIE Fighters: Number remaining in squadron: 1: +10, 2: +5, 3: 0
Example: A Search scan on a YT-1300 provides the user with a bonus 2D to their Sensors skill of 3D, giving them 5D. They decide to look for 2 objects. The closest 2 objects are both asteroids, one Huge and one Small. The base difficulty is 10 (for 2 objects). A roll of 10 will be required to discover the Huge asteroid while 20+ required to find the small asteroid. A roll of 0-9 will find nothing, 10-19 will uncover the huge asteroid, while 20+ will uncover both. Had the closest 2 objects been 2 Small asteroids, a roll of 20+ would be required to find the closest one, while 30+ would be required to find both.

Movement: Moving through the field is extremely difficult, especially if Sensors do not pick up asteroids. The difficulties are as follows - but most can be mitigated by flying at Cautious or Cruising Speeds.

Base Difficulty Roll: 16+ (Difficult)
Flying Across Space with Revealed Asteroid: Huge: 0, Large +5, Small +10
Flying Across Space with Unrevealed Asteroid: Huge: 5, Large +10, Small +15

See Starship Movement Failures on page 133 for what happens if there is a failure.

Asteroid Damage: Small Asteroid: 2D, Large Asteroid 4D, Huge Asteroid 6D, modified by the ships’ speed as shown on page 134.

Shields: Starship shields are a reactive skill.

Starship Gunnery: Range for all ships is as follows: 2 Squares: Short, 3-6 Squares: Medium, 7-13: Long

TIE Deployment and Movement: The first TIE squadron will deploy at the opposite end of the board. The second on one flank, moving in to hit the convoy from one side. Any other squadrons will deploy at the far end of the board along with the first squadron. They can move 5 spaces but will move cautiously, 5 squares every 2 turns (or 3 when it becomes too tricky to monitor).

Key TIE Stats: Straighter Piloting 4D+1 (Manoeuvrability 2D), Starship Gunnery 4D (Fire Control 2D). Hull 2D. Space: 5 squares per 2 turns

TIE Tactics: The TIEs have been tasked with destroying the Troop Transports first. The Transports have a Hull of 8D + 1D shields. TIE laser cannon have damage of 5D so it may take some time to inflict much damage. However, if Rebel ships intervene, single ships will break off from the squadron to deal with attackers in dogfights (breaking off if there is only the one).

Once the PCs exit the opposite end of the play area, they can make the jump to light speed and escape!

Cut to:

Music Cue: The Imperial March

On the bridge of the Executor, Darth Vader stares out as the Rebel ships vanish out of sight. Admiral Ozzel feels a tug at his throat and falls to the ground…

Captain Piett: Lord Vader, the Emperor commands you to make contact with him.

Ozzel feels Vader’s force choke release and he lies on the deck gasping for breath as Vader walks past him, his cloak billowing in his wake.

Wipe to:

Music Cue: The Princess Appears

A tiny dot of light streaks across a star field. We then cut, looking back at a YT-1300 which is hurtling towards us through hyperspace. We close in on the cockpit and see the smuggler captain and his co-pilot turning out of their chairs. We follow them through to the ship’s corridors to the main hold where they join the rest of the new recruits bound for the rendezvous point, two of whom are playing holochess.

Allow the PCs an opportunity to role-play out their proper introductions to one another. As soon as they have done so, the hyperdrive signals that their arrival at the rendezvous is imminent.

Wipe to:

Music Cue: Finale start at 1:15, read from 1:18

Your ships drop out of hyperspace in an area of space your sensors indicate is in the Minos Cluster. You see a battered old capital ship, a relic from the Clone Wars by the look of it. Huge sections of the ship, which you know should be twinkling with light, are in darkness. As you close in, you can see activity in the hangar bay where a number of X-Wings and a few A-Wings have landed. Astromech droids buzz across the ship’s hull, their arc-welders flickering in the dark. Several troop transports hang in space around the vessel.

At 1:45

Commander Shepherd’s voice crackles over the comms in greeting. “Glad you rookies could make it! You’re clear for landing. Welcome…to Nowhere.”[/url]
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The Bissler

Joined: 08 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My PCs have finished the Tests of the Godking adventure. It took 3 sessions and was fairly eventful.

A full write of up the sessions plus things I added to the adventure can be found here:
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PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Really digging these blogs. Thanks for sharing these, Bissler.
Currently playing D&D 5E and painting an unholy amount of miniatures.
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The Bissler

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PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2020 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Ryan, I really appreciate the kind words! I'll keep them coming!
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm going to borrow your opening adventure, I think it's a great start to any campaign, really. It gives the players a feeling of being just adjacent to the main story and contributing in a meaningful way.

I might lead into this with New Recruits and Rebel Guns, having the characters arrive at Yavin with fresh supplies, weapons, and a shiny "new" freighter just at the moment you describe in your intro.

Also, thanks for the musical cues. It's a very nice touch for those of us who are musically inspired in their games.
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The Bissler

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PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Raven, that's praise indeed! I'm glad you like the mission and feel it will be of use, that's more than I could expect.

The space combat did take a few hours to run, possibly at the limits of what I'd like, but it was good to give the players a chance to get to grips with space combat, and I tried to give Sensors a more prominent use as I felt that is a skill that can easily be overlooked. It was fun throwing them into a dangerous situation with a good number of TIEs giving them trouble. If you think it's too imbalanced, you can always reduce the TIE numbers or fudge things behind the scenes, having the odd asteroid taking out a TIE.

Thanks also for mentioning the music cues - I do put a lot of thought into these! As a result of your feedback, I've now added the musical cues into my latest write up on my blog and will keep them coming in future write ups!
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I actually had my soundtracks open and was putting the proper song on as I read the blog. It really added a lot of emotion to the story.
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The Bissler

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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2020 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Brilliant, love it!
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The Bissler

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apologies, still no update as The Heat of Freedom is rolling into a third week. It's been a brutal grind of a mission and they are now dealing with this beast of an end of level bad guy!

Write up guaranteed next Thursday!
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The Bissler

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The write up for The Heat of Freedom is finally here! I hope you enjoy!

Pirates of Pilahni (Prexiar) is next!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have run that scenario so many times, and it's great every time.
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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The Bissler

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

cheshire wrote:
I have run that scenario so many times, and it's great every time.

Nice - but I'm unsure if you mean The Heat of Freedom or Pirates of Prexiar?
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