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d6holocron Astrogation Computer
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There’s “dive straight into the deep end on your first post”, and then there’s this guy who drills a hole in the bottom of the deep end and does a cannonball into it off the 10 meter platform.

This is awesome, and welcome to the Pit.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Because I used an off-the-shelf planet database someone else had curated, I might go through and prune things a bit (I already removed Hosnian Prime, because... that planet isn't in my universe). I've already noticed at least one item I've never heard of and which doesn't actually have a Wookieepedia link. Feel free to report any discrepancies to me so I can fix them.

pakman wrote:
I do agree some of the times feel....long.

I think what I am going to do is half the times for the major routes.

Yes, and they generally don't match most published travel time values. I might (over time) try to manually adjust things to be more in line with existing resources, but that's a much more long-term project. This current version was something I managed to hack together in a weekend.

CRMcNeill wrote:
There’s “dive straight into the deep end on your first post”, and then there’s this guy who drills a hole in the bottom of the deep end and does a cannonball into it off the 10 meter platform.

This is awesome, and welcome to the Pit.

Haha, thank you! Hopefully it's actually useful. I'll definitely be lurking around the forums a bit, as I'm hoping to run my first d6 campaign with some friends in the near future (planning to run 1.5e with Whill's suggestion of porting in the combat rounds from 2.5e).
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's also this website, which to me is a similar tool to what Han was using with Leia, when he found Bespin... "Lando System?"
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DeltaFolee wrote:
I recently spent a few hours hacking together a sort of English clone of the French version of the hyperspace time calculator, you can try it out here :

It includes links to Wookieepedia for the intermediate planets and the hyperspace routes they lie on. I have the hyperspace multiplier locked to multiples of 0.25 at the moment.

Right now the way it basically works is by finding the shortest distance between two planets by hopping between neighboring planets, and the travel times are proportional to the distance traveled (which isn't exactly lore accurate, but it's at least a start). There's also a large time penalty for legs of the journey which aren't near well-traveled hyperspace routes.

My travel times don't exactly match the French version, which I sometimes think is a good thing, as it has some very strange randomly large hyperspace jumps between planets which are in close proximity (and I'm not aware of lore reasons for them, though I could be ignorant).

The dataset and algorithms I'm using are based on this GitHub repo I found, if anyone is interested:

Feel free to let me know if you find issues, or have particular feature requests (assuming I could figure out how to implement them). The map isn't complete, but it currently has over 2000 planets, and I can add in missing ones if you find them.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DeltaFolee wrote:
I recently spent a few hours hacking together a sort of English clone of the French version of the hyperspace time calculator, you can try it out here :

It includes links to Wookieepedia for the intermediate planets and the hyperspace routes they lie on. I have the hyperspace multiplier locked to multiples of 0.25 at the moment.

Right now the way it basically works is by finding the shortest distance between two planets by hopping between neighboring planets, and the travel times are proportional to the distance traveled (which isn't exactly lore accurate, but it's at least a start). There's also a large time penalty for legs of the journey which aren't near well-traveled hyperspace routes.

My travel times don't exactly match the French version, which I sometimes think is a good thing, as it has some very strange randomly large hyperspace jumps between planets which are in close proximity (and I'm not aware of lore reasons for them, though I could be ignorant).

The dataset and algorithms I'm using are based on this GitHub repo I found, if anyone is interested:

Feel free to let me know if you find issues, or have particular feature requests (assuming I could figure out how to implement them). The map isn't complete, but it currently has over 2000 planets, and I can add in missing ones if you find them.

On the map, there is an unnamed hyperlane that runs Triton (M18) - Xagobah - Kabal (M19) - Sharlissia that is not in the database. i have opened a github issue, but there doesn't seem to be much activity there.

I assume there are more (probably *many* more) hyperlanes that aren't in the database, but that's one my group has used a fair bit so I actually noticed.

Might I also ask, what *is* the "off-lane" penalty?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

a_morain, welcome to the Pit!
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Mikael Hasselstein
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

a_morain wrote:
On the map, there is an unnamed hyperlane that runs Triton (M18) - Xagobah - Kabal (M19) - Sharlissia that is not in the database. i have opened a github issue, but there doesn't seem to be much activity there.

I don't have my original files close at hand, but my dim brain is telling me that I did program a hyperlane there.

Program-wise, Triton was pretty important because it was a connecting point between two separate networks - the main galactic core network and the appendage of the Rimma Trade Route heading rimward from there. It was the first one of those that I programmed, which allowed me to cut down on the databases on which my old astrogator relied.

It may be that there was some mishap when my original data was transcribed into the astrogators that others made.

a_morain wrote:
I assume there are more (probably *many* more) hyperlanes that aren't in the database, but that's one my group has used a fair bit so I actually noticed.
Yes, there are some. For example, I remember writing some for those core systems that are around but not on the Corellian Run. It seemed like those needed to be attached in some way.

a_morain wrote:
Might I also ask, what *is* the "off-lane" penalty.
There certainly should be. If a system is not in the database, but on the map, you could calculate from the nearest system and add a time you think is plausible.

When I wrote the astrogator, I also figured that not all routes were equal. My reading of the lore is that the more a route is traveled, the more data is gathered by ships' sensor logs. These logs get dumped into central computers at star ports, as nav computers get their updates. Thus, the more well-traveled routes are, the less nav computers have to compute margins for error (errors being uncharted gravity wells along routes), the faster ships can safely fly through those areas. Conversely, the less that happens - or the less captains allow their ships to dump their logs into star-port computers for whatever reason (ie. illicit activity), the slower ships can safely travel there.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

While these are all awesome, I still haven't found one that works as well as the old d6 Holocron one. Sad

I really like the one DeltaFolee posted, but I tested it out going from Tatooine to Alderaan (like from ANH) and it calculates just shy of 13 days, which seems really long to me (far in excess of what we saw on film).

And while the one ebertran posted allows you to look up any planet or system, I don't see a way to calculate travel between them.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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