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New Minos Sector Map (w/ Elrood Sector)
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Dr. Bidlo

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, thank you, this must have been a lot of work, but it a great resource for GMs!
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Inquisitor1138 wrote:
Brilliant! Excellent work, Whill! Thank you for sharing!

You're welcome! Thanks for the kudos. You may also be interested in this thread:

Dr. Bidlo wrote:
Yes, thank you, this must have been a lot of work, but it a great resource for GMs!

You're welcome! It was a lot of work. But I figure if I can blast two mynocks by making it for myself and sharing it with others.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:53 pm    Post subject: TOR: The Minos Cluster Campaign Reply with quote

After seeing this thread, I looked into the source for the Battle of Eliad: The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural (a real-life book made as if it was an in-universe book). The book was part of a collector's edition of The Old Republic game, so I speculated that the book was probably available on ebay. There were many for sale as single items, but I also found for not much more money, the entire collector's edition which comes with TOR game, the book, the soundtrack CD, and some maps. It arrived a few days ago. One map is a cool one of the a lower level of the Jedi Temple. (There is also a glossy color map of the galaxy that doesn't even have the Minos Cluster or any Minos worlds on it.) I listened to the soundtrack which is pretty cool. The section of the book that deals with the Minos Cluster is unfortunately very brief. I'll sell the game (3 discs in a metal tin), and I'll keep the rest of the stuff.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:01 am    Post subject: Minos hydrospheres Reply with quote

...I went through and determined the hydrosphere for all the Minos planets, even putting oceans on some planets where there weren't ones described in the book. This helps my disbelief suspension anyway because it is quite unrealistic for a planet to be capable of supporting life without having a hydrosphere of at least 50%. I also thought there should be a full-on water world (90-some % hydrosphere) here... so I decided to adapt the planet Poseidon from the Blue Planet RPG and put it in the Corlaasi system

I realized I never shared this. The number beside the planet name is the approximate % of the planet's surface covered by water.

85 Adarlon
97 Corlaasi
80 Eliad
90 Gesaril
50 Karideph
00 Mestra
50 Pergitor
50 Quockra-4
55 Shesharile 5
50 Shesharile 6
75 Teh’Jar II
50 Travnin
60 Yelsain
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Last edited by Whill on Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had wondered about those numbers. Thanks for the explanation! I love seeing what is most relevant to different GMs and players as we run our games.

Hopefully the journal is useful to you even though the Minos Cluster section is short.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

raithyn wrote:
Hopefully the journal is useful to you even though the Minos Cluster section is short.

Thanks for the well wishes. Unfortunately, the Minos mentions in it are brief. Wookieepedia basically captures all that is said about the Minos Campaign and the Battle of Eliad.

I personally adhere to Lucas' personal concept of the Sith that he advised the author of TPM novelization, the "short chronology" that the Sith have only existed for 2,000 years before the films. That's what the filmic Sith were based on. In my game, I deal with all galactic history over 2,000 years before the films vaguely. The Sith wars that happened in Legends before that still occurred in my SWU in some form, but the Sith weren't the Republic's enemy. There still could have been Dark Side Force users involved, but they weren't Sith and I don't feel any need to come up with details for this.

I have no problem with there being galactic wars 4,000-ish years before the films that in part involved a Minos Cluster Campaign, with battles in Eliad and Karideph, but no, the Journal isn't really useful as it provides no details about the Minos Cluster or any planets in it. I do however like some of the art in the book, so maybe I will get some use out of it after all.

I had wondered about those numbers. Thanks for the explanation! I love seeing what is most relevant to different GMs and players as we run our games.

The hydrospheres of the planets aren't often relevant and in most cases will not come into play. It is mostly just info that is important for me to be established in the background, mostly for my own disbelief suspension. I use the excellent GURPS Space 4e book to make scientifically plausible original planets/systems. From that (and my own study of cosmology/planetology), it is extremely unlikely for a planet to have an atmosphere breathable by Earthlike life without having a hydrospheric coverage of at least 50%. Instead of the spaceport city on Travnin being 300km from small towns on the coast of a small ocean, they are small fishing towns on the coast of the half-world ocean.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:17 am    Post subject: Re: New Minos Sector Map (w/ Elrood Sector) Reply with quote

The Elrood & Minos Sectors maps with hyperspace travel durations

GG6 indicates that the 10 worlds it details are the 10 primary systems of the Minos Cluster and that they are the only significant worlds involved in trade. However, there are really only nine as Gesaril is a restricted system with an Imperial prison asteroid and a forbidden planet with a spooky primitive species that crashes starships with the Force. Not a trade system at all.

I wanted to add a full-on water world with trade, so I decided to make a planet inspired by Poseidon in the Blue Planet RPG and add it to the Cluster. I also wanted to add the Minos Cluster minor planet Teh'Jar II to my map because it has a cool adventure hook in WEG Heroes & Rogues that can be tied into the "Mestra" story idea in GG6. So I added the Teh'Jar system to my map and decided the water world would be another planet in the same system, thus making it a more major system for trade.

When making my map I also added minor EU system Corlaasi so that I could say that was the other part of Travnin's binary star system and use "C" to represent both on the map, thereby freeing up "T" to be used for Teh'Jar. When I first shared my map I hadn't decided what to put in the Corlaasi system. Then when I later decided that the archaic Hellenic-flavored insect hive people "character race" I wanted to add to the game should have a homeworld in the Minos Cluster, I put them in Corlaasi system.

I finally realized that a better solution is to have the water world and alien homeworld switch systems. The water world is higher tech and more major trade world, so it would make more sense to be in a more prominent location in the sector (Corlaasi). The archaic hive people's homeworld can be in the hind-end of the sector (Teh'Jar). Furthermore, since my concept for the hive people included a preference for archaic tech, this could fit in with the Teh'Jar II adventure hook that includes the Empire instituting a high tech ban: they don't have much to begin with and something happens in the campaign requiring the strict ban. So Teh'Jar II can be the homeworld and there is no need to add a second inhabited planet to the system.

I love it when a plan comes together.
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