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What's your Star Wars MULTIverse?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:41 pm    Post subject: What's your Star Wars MULTIverse? Reply with quote

In the thread What's your Star Wars Universe?, we discussed Greedo, the M-word, and what parts of the film saga, EU, WEG and your own invention are a part of your personal SWU. We've also even had at least one thread where we discussed time travel adventures in this game.

In this thread, I am specifically referring to your multiverse. Say you run the same adventure multiple times (presumable for different players). There is no way the same adventure could happen twice in the same campaign universe.

Do PCs from one campaign ever get played in a subsequent campaign? In cases like that, do you maintain continuity from campaign to campaign, as if they exist in the same universe? For example, the same exact NPC that was killed in a previous campaign doesn't reappear in a subsequent campaign set within the same continuity?

Or do your adventures take place in a distinct campaign universe (with a unified continuity) even if the subsequent campaigns has no relation to the previous ones?

Or do you have only one campaign universe, and everything you have ever ran takes place within the same continuity? (So you presumably haven't run the same exact adventure more than once.)

Or do you have no regard for story continuity at all, and just have a never ending series of unrelated adventures? Or do you have distinct universes for some adventures and also sometimes run non-continuity adventures, like one-offs or something, that have no regard for continuity?

Do any of you 'share' a universe with another GM? (Meaning a GM passed the torch to another GM to run for the group in the same universe as the previous GM's adventures, or even multiple GMs taking turns running adventures sent within the same continuity?)

For those GMs that do acknowledge having multiple universes (out of necessity for continuity if nothing else), how many have you had? Anything you want to tell us about them, like what makes them distinct from each other?

And although it is likely very rare in this game, it is related to this thread so I'll ask anyway: Have you ran any adventures in which characters (or anything else) transition between universes?

EDIT: My Star Wars Multiverse
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For myself, I bought the original game while still in high school and while some of the characters from those games have drifted into the current landscape as NPCS, the original game wasn't run long enough for me to have anything other than vague recollections of characters. The next time I ran Star Wars it was about '95 and again, my recollection of the game is so spotty that the only thing I really remember is that I used a character from the original game (making reference to the previous game...) for the short time that this second game was around.

Now they say that the third time is the charm and it seemed to work. From the point where this game started, even to the most recent campaign, there is a network of npcs and characters that pop up and drift through to make the acquaintance of the newest pcs. Not everyone gets used or reused, but there are some that show up from time to time and while the game universe has existed (since '97, roughly) it has spanned from the time leading up to ANH through ROTJ and up to one hundred and twenty years beyond that.

This most recent campaign will be the third that I have ran in the classic era...
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Do PCs from one campaign ever get played in a subsequent campaign? In cases like that, do you maintain continuity from campaign to campaign, as if they exist in the same universe? For example, the same exact NPC that was killed in a previous campaign doesn't reappear in a subsequent campaign set within the same continuity?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends. One group i remember back in the day started one campaign, but it broke off. 8 years later during a school period when i was back in Norfolk, we ran a few one offs with the same PCs, just 10 years in time down the road from where the prior campaign left off.
Never really had a group last long enough to go into a second campaign yet.

Whill wrote:
Do any of you 'share' a universe with another GM? (Meaning a GM passed the torch to another GM to run for the group in the same universe as the previous GM's adventures, or even multiple GMs taking turns running adventures sent within the same continuity?)

This is how Sparks does it. The 'campaign' belongs to the group, and module writers must look to prior stuff, sometimes even needing prior authors OK, to re=write stuff for an area. Like say Erin makes 4 modules about the planet Bashik. A few years down the road, Slim wishes to include bashik in one of his modules. Depending on to what level, he may just need to inform Erin, or he might even need Erin's permission.
Same goes for certain NPCs we have. Some are so prevalent, we have as a council, said to all module writers "These NPCs can't be killed off without the initial authors OK."
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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Typically, my multi-verse is pretty contained- specifically, each gaming group is a fresh universe with their own different take on the adventures and different ongoing elements running through them. Since I feel as if I've gotten a little better at realistic roleplaying with each group, the current group is always the 'canon' version of events. I'm not averse to having characters from other groups cameo- but with a clear understanding that this is the 'alternate' version of them, rather than the same character who somehow had the same adventures of the current group.

That said, usually, each group has a parallel universe in which they are bounty hunters (utilizing the No Disintegrations module)... and typically, we will set up an event in the characters' past that accounts for why they chose a different path here- sort of a sliding doors (or 'Turn Left,' for the Doctor Who crowd) concept tied to their backstories. These adventures are for when a member of the group can't make it, so that the remaining players can still tackle a new adventure.

In my previous gaming group, we had the maximum number of multiverses... a regular universe, a bounty hunter alternate, a mercenaries alternate (which only played half a game, and was for even less available players than the bounty hunter), and a jokey alternate game session (an intermission during Starfall) where each of the players took on the role of a stormtrooper aboard the same Star Destroyer... with their entire squad abruptly and quickly massacred by their own regular characters (as NPCs). That last one was more of a 15 min long gag, though. Wink
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:23 am    Post subject: Re: the Sparks space-time anomaly cluster Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Whill wrote:
Do any of you 'share' a universe with another GM? (Meaning a GM passed the torch to another GM to run for the group in the same universe as the previous GM's adventures, or even multiple GMs taking turns running adventures sent within the same continuity?)

This is how Sparks does it. The 'campaign' belongs to the group, and module writers must look to prior stuff, sometimes even needing prior authors OK, to re=write stuff for an area. Like say Erin makes 4 modules about the planet Bashik. A few years down the road, Slim wishes to include bashik in one of his modules. Depending on to what level, he may just need to inform Erin, or he might even need Erin's permission.
Same goes for certain NPCs we have. Some are so prevalent, we have as a council, said to all module writers "These NPCs can't be killed off without the initial authors OK."

I tought Sparks might come up. garhkal, I'm very interested in reading about your own personal campaigns, here or in any other appropriate thread. I really mean that. But Sparks does not qualify as continuity occurring within a single shared universe. The same adventures are played over and over and over again. And the adventures have a specific point in the timeline that they occur, but PCs can play the adventures in any order (even the multi-parters - I played the Part 2 of an adventure without playing the first part, with the knowledge of the GM of both adventures). So players gain CPs, credits, equipments, weapons and knowledge from each adventure played, then they can play an adventure that takes place years earlier in the timeline like it was the next day for them.

Since PCs can only play each adventure once, the only way Sparks could be considered one shared universe is if PCs are jumping back and forth through time and keep resetting history by replacing the previous PCs that last played in that adventure, but then again that still wouldn't make sense because each PC's personal history is never rewritten. Maybe Sparks would make more sense as a multiverse where each adventure takes place in its own universe, and each PC is just a similar version to the ones that played in the other adventures/universes. But no, that still couldn't explain the conversation I witnessed between two PCs about a newly introduced NPC and what they remembered about the character which were a different version of the same events that they finally decided hadn't happened yet (both players had previously played an adventure that took place in the future at separate times it was ran)! I'm glad that you and some other good GMs and roleplayers enjoy playing WEG Star Wars that way, but it hurts my head just to even think about it!
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bobmalooga wrote:
For myself, I bought the original game while still in high school and while some of the characters from those games have drifted into the current landscape as NPCS, the original game wasn't run long enough for me to have anything other than vague recollections of characters. The next time I ran Star Wars it was about '95 and again, my recollection of the game is so spotty that the only thing I really remember is that I used a character from the original game (making reference to the previous game...) for the short time that this second game was around.

Now they say that the third time is the charm and it seemed to work. From the point where this game started, even to the most recent campaign, there is a network of npcs and characters that pop up and drift through to make the acquaintance of the newest pcs. Not everyone gets used or reused, but there are some that show up from time to time and while the game universe has existed (since '97, roughly) it has spanned from the time leading up to ANH through ROTJ and up to one hundred and twenty years beyond that.

This most recent campaign will be the third that I have ran in the classic era...

So Keith, if I understand correctly you've had three universes in your multiverse so far. The first two universes were shorter lived and memories of them are are vague, but the third one is current and has been going since roughly 1997! Cool! In recent years I've found some of my notes (for old campaigns) I thought were long gone. Still not everything, but some. I have contemplated my old campaigns lately, trying to reconstruct what memories I could about them.

And it seems you have also addressed another question... If your current universe's timeline has gone to 120 years after RotJ and your most recent campaign takes place in the classic era, that would seem to mean you do maintain continuity along a timeline, meaning the events that took place in the far future are still the future of your current campaign, right?

I've done something like that a few times, but not nearly that drastic a difference in time. I've had a few campaigns that take place at the same time as a previously played campaign in the same universe, and some of those were only even partial overlaps. I remember one time I had a PC encounter a bounty hunter NPC who was a previous PC played by the same player, but it definitely took place in the past of part of the previous campaign because the NPC's brother who had died in the previous campaign was also there. And that campaign definitely ended earlier in the timeline than the previous campaign had because Vader was still alive.

Zarm R'keeg wrote:
Typically, my multi-verse is pretty contained- specifically, each gaming group is a fresh universe with their own different take on the adventures and different ongoing elements running through them. Since I feel as if I've gotten a little better at realistic roleplaying with each group, the current group is always the 'canon' version of events. I'm not averse to having characters from other groups cameo- but with a clear understanding that this is the 'alternate' version of them, rather than the same character who somehow had the same adventures of the current group.

That said, usually, each group has a parallel universe in which they are bounty hunters (utilizing the No Disintegrations module)... and typically, we will set up an event in the characters' past that accounts for why they chose a different path here- sort of a sliding doors (or 'Turn Left,' for the Doctor Who crowd) concept tied to their backstories. These adventures are for when a member of the group can't make it, so that the remaining players can still tackle a new adventure.

In my previous gaming group, we had the maximum number of multiverses... a regular universe, a bounty hunter alternate, a mercenaries alternate

So you have a mega-multiverse composed of sub-multiverses? Cool! So how many gaming group multiverses would you say you've had? Can you give at least a guess or ballpark range?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:

So Keith, if I understand correctly you've had three universes in your multiverse so far. The first two universes were shorter lived and memories of them are are vague, but the third one is current and has been going since roughly 1997! Cool! In recent years I've found some of my notes (for old campaigns) I thought were long gone. Still not everything, but some. I have contemplated my old campaigns lately, trying to reconstruct what memories I could about them.

And it seems you have also addressed another question... If your current universe's timeline has gone to 120 years after RotJ and your most recent campaign takes place in the classic era, that would seem to mean you do maintain continuity along a timeline, meaning the events that took place in the far future are still the future of your current campaign, right?

I've done something like that a few times, but not nearly that drastic a difference in time. I've had a few campaigns that take place at the same time as a previously played campaign in the same universe, and some of those were only even partial overlaps. I remember one time I had a PC encounter a bounty hunter NPC who was a previous PC played by the same player, but it definitely took place in the past of part of the previous campaign because the NPC's brother who had died in the previous campaign was also there. And that campaign definitely ended earlier in the timeline than the previous campaign had because Vader was still alive.


I'm not sure that I would say that those other previous attempts at Star Wars games prior to '97 even exist in this game universe, rather that I've used a couple of characters from those universes as NPCs and my vague recollections of them and their adventures as some background color to fill in their histories ("You mean you've got a stake in the 'Butcher's Block' with the infamous smuggler Gregor Mendal? Frak me runnin'...") and even then there are characters from those games that I have no interest in using at all or no clear recollection of other than maybe the archetype.

To be honest with you after 10 different campaigns in the same universe you would think that I have run out of things to say or do. I have recycled adventures, Black Ice comes to mind...but the way I did it was to run it the second time as the pcs being one of the many squads who infiltrated and helped take the ship....Another one that I did recently was that the players got drug into attempt to rob an Imperial payroll delivery on the banking planet of Aargau. I had ran that adventure prior to the most recent version where the players got in there and another group came in behind them and tried to rob the place while they were robbing it. So when I ran the adventure the second time, that group was the group that came in only to find out that someone was already robbing the the bank! Mostly I try not to revisit adventures, but familiar names will come up...Such as on my Correllia 'Solo' is as common as 'Smith', but 'Navaro' is as common as 'Jones'...The names 'Crickhollow' and 'Boggins' have both been recycled and used as more common family names.

I should have mentioned that the campaign 120 years after ROJ was actually a sid-quel to my game that someone else ran where I got to play the grandson of one of my favorite npcs. After he quit running his game it languished for a while and I got his permission to continue his game and did so until the players reached a satisfactory ending place. But yeah, all those events are the far future of my game...somewhere.

The funny part is of all the games I've ran, I have no interest in doing a prequel game at all...LOL
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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
So you have a mega-multiverse composed of sub-multiverses? Cool! So how many gaming group multiverses would you say you've had? Can you give at least a guess or ballpark range?

Hmmmm... I think there have been 5 versions of the 'prime' universe (a main group whose adventures start on Edan II) with different gaming groups (albeit one very short-lived), with a secondary bounty hunter universe for two of them, and a third mercenary universe for one of them. If you throw in the joke Stormtrooper universe, and the fact that the next bounty hunter adventure will probably be a different universe from the first bounty hunter story where the characters all died... I guess that brings the total to 10 multiverses, branching from 5 primary gaming-group universes?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Each campaign I run starts with a clean slate with regards to other campaigns run, though some elements might be similar as my baseline universe has evolved over the years as more material has become available to me.

I started running SWRPG D6 games back in 1994/5 I think it may have been earlier, so lots of small changes over the years. Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This kind of question normally makes my head hurt. I haven't had enough continuity in SW games for this to matter, I guess.

I guess I'll say 1 multiverse, in that my games have been in the Alliance era (i.e. post ROTJ) or my Ancient Republic setup. I've envisioned them on the same timeline, and if someone were to come to me and ask for a Clone Wars, Old Republic, or Rebellion/Empire era game, I'd flesh out my timeline more. I generally prefer that than to consider parallel universes where I run the same adventure again; it's usually easy enough to reskin something for a different planet, different bad guy, etc.

Like in my D&D worlds, what happens on the timeline stays on the timeline, and if that happens to affect future games so be it. That's how we RPG anyway. Now, I am concerned with my post-ROTJ Alliance setting because Disney is about to run right over it. Hopefully in a good way.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:10 pm    Post subject: Re: the Sparks space-time anomaly cluster Reply with quote

Whill wrote:

I tought Sparks might come up. garhkal, I'm very interested in reading about your own personal campaigns, here or in any other appropriate thread. I really mean that. But Sparks does not qualify as continuity occurring within a single shared universe. The same adventures are played over and over and over again. And the adventures have a specific point in the timeline that they occur, but PCs can play the adventures in any order (even the multi-parters - I played the Part 2 of an adventure without playing the first part, with the knowledge of the GM of both adventures). So players gain CPs, credits, equipments, weapons and knowledge from each adventure played, then they can play an adventure that takes place years earlier in the timeline like it was the next day for them.

So far, in all my home games, i have not had a decent group stay together long enough to do a full on campaign, then go into another. But when i do run different groups, i have often used the exact same campaign setting, just different time frames. Some times i have had stuff done by one group in the realm, impact what others do (like the Tuesday group i had in london's activities' were witnessable by the Saturday group and visa versa, but they were operating in such a manner and distance, neither group would interact.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A fun topic. Excellent idea, Whill.

Whill wrote:
Do PCs from one campaign ever get played in a subsequent campaign? In cases like that, do you maintain continuity from campaign to campaign, as if they exist in the same universe? For example, the same exact NPC that was killed in a previous campaign doesn't reappear in a subsequent campaign set within the same continuity?

In my games, PCs don't usually get moved from one game/campaign into another. That said, in recent years I've decided that iconic characters shouldn't be bound by such things as continuity. Great fantasy characters - from Tarzan to James Bond to Buck Rogers - aren't bound by things like continuity, and the success or quality of a Batman movie isn't constrained by what happened in the live action movies, the comics, video games, or animated movies he's appeared in before that. So I've taken my first PC for Villains& Vigilantes and have translated him into other game systems. I've now played him in at least three different campaigns, plus another one shot, and three different systems. I've never done that in Star Wars, though.

For SW, so far my games have all seemed to be in one cohesive universe, though I've not committed to that model. For instance, I've run "Starfall" before (for my kids), along with "The Argovia Strike", and I ran "Heavy Lifting" once at a con. I haven't felt the need to return to either of those (for my current campaign, which is still chronologically before those others), but I still might down the road.

Whill wrote:
Or do your adventures take place in a distinct campaign universe (with a unified continuity) even if the subsequent campaigns has no relation to the previous ones?

To me, different games within a unified continuity is the very definition of a "campaign". If everything happens within the same "game universe", even set decades apart, then it's all part of the same campaign. I realize that word has different meanings to different people (to one of my players, a "campaign" is simply the adventures he runs), but to me that's what it means.

Whill wrote:
Or do you have only one campaign universe, and everything you have ever ran takes place within the same continuity? (So you presumably haven't run the same exact adventure more than once.)

So far, this is how my SW games have been, though I tend to view each separate campaign (my definition of that word) as distinct. If I don't end up running the characters through adventures I'd done before, I might consider having them all part of the same whole, which would/could make it fun to have those old PCs show up.

Whill wrote:
Or do you have no regard for story continuity at all, and just have a never ending series of unrelated adventures? Or do you have distinct universes for some adventures and also sometimes run non-continuity adventures, like one-offs or something, that have no regard for continuity?

I'm real particular about things like continuity, and it's part of why I keep meticulous records and details, as that stuff's important to me. That said, though, I tend to view each "campaign" (again, by my definition) separately. For instance, when I ran a Lord of the Rings game years ago (which lasted for a few years) using Decipher's CODA system, I don't really view that in the same world/universe (or campaign) as my current The One Ring RPG, which has a very different feel, tone, and power level.

Whill wrote:
Do any of you 'share' a universe with another GM? (Meaning a GM passed the torch to another GM to run for the group in the same universe as the previous GM's adventures, or even multiple GMs taking turns running adventures sent within the same continuity?)

My long running (currently a little over 24 years) supers campaign (using V&V) uses this method. I'm the overall "head" GM (referred to by one old player as the 'Editor-in-Chief') that the other GMs coordinate with, but it all takes place in the same game world with the same PCs. So one week one GM might run, then the next few times it might be a second one, then a week later yet another, and then we might go a month on a longer running adventure run by still a fourth GM. At one point I had 10 regular players, and every one of them had run at least once (as GM).

For my other games, we tend to stick to just one GM. So I'm the only one that's run Star Wars and The One Ring. I started a Star Trek campaign but turned that very campaign over to a friend (who ran it to completion, and has now started up a new campaign of his own in a different era).

Back when we did the Lord of the Rings RPG, it was mostly the same GM, but we occasionally let other players take turns running for storyarcs.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's some outstanding sections in some of the books for The One Ring that really provide an excellent analysis on continuity and canon that has helped me as I consider what "canon" is with regard to my games.

The main rules state:

Tolkien's Canon
For many years, fans of the literary works of J.R.R. Tolkien
have debated the existence of a consistent canon that
firmly defines the world and history of Middle-earth, as
described in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and later
publications. This has often been cited as one of the major
hurdles to roleplaying games set in Middle-earth, as it is
very likely that the characters� adventures will �interfere�
with the actions of the saga�s known protagonists and
�break� the canon�s consistency.

While a quick and easy answer to such concerns might
well be that �there is no such thing as an established
Tolkien�s canon,� it is interesting to delve into the subject a
little bit more, as there is a lot that a Loremaster may learn
from tackling this apparently insurmountable obstacle.

Subjective Sources
When facing the dilemma of altering facts perceived
as being part of canon, a Loremaster could consider
the information that Tolkien related in his stories not
as ascribed to an infallible, all-knowing narrator, but
to witnesses of the times, individuals who are subject
to errors and personal bias (for example, The Hobbit
relates the content of Bilbo Baggins� memoirs). This
literary device served Tolkien well in his effort to create a
believable �ancient history� which includes the inevitable
inconsistencies that might come from it being composed
by different chroniclers, and there is no reason why a
Loremaster cannot do the same, especially if he needs
to change an �established� date or the details behind a
known �fact� or �historical� figure.
To get an idea of how much the writer�s perspective can
distort perceptions, and possibly facts, one need look
no further than the books: for example, The Lord of the
Rings can find it difficult to reconcile the image they have
of Gimli, the redoubtable axe-wielding warrior of Erebor,
and the Dwarven companions of Bilbo, who, captured by
Trolls, Goblins, Spiders and Wood-elves, more often than
not end up being saved by their Hobbit burglar, Bilbo�

They then go on to explain that the Professor was constantly changing and rewriting his works, suggesting that they are immuatable and ever-changing.

Then in the book "The Darkening of Mirkwood", they write:

Among other things, the Loremaster�s Guide for The One
Ring elaborates why players should not be intimidated
by what some recognise as a �Tolkien canon� (the part
above). They should not feel limited by the Tale of Years
offered in this guide either, and for very similar reasons:
Middle-earth historians can be wrong, rumours are often
mistaken for truth and what is written may not be what
actually came to pass.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DougRed4 wrote:
There's some outstanding sections in some of the books for The One Ring that really provide an excellent analysis on continuity and canon that has helped me as I consider what "canon" is with regard to my games...
Tolkien's Canon...
Subjective Sources...

Thanks for sharing that - I like that. The metaplot should not be set in stone for any GM's gaming universe unless the GM wants it to be. Stating the canon version of events is the result of the story being altered by an unreliable narrator is one way of looking at it, but still not even required for Star Wars gaining or an RPG based on Tolkien's Middle Earth. The canon version of events can also be said to take place in another universe from the GM's game. That's semantics, really. But in the context of this thread, I've used the alternate universes model, however the main thrust of my question was more along the lines of how each of your universes differ from each other, more than how they differ from the canon version of events.

To your post, I will say I've thought about the unreliable narrator as an explanation for the different versions of the Greedo scene...

Phineas: (to the bartender) Um, we're looking for a pilot.
Bartender: Over there.
(Cut to two orderlies carrying a dead Greedo on a stretcher.)
Orderly: Someone said he shot first, but I coulda sworn it was the other guy.
Bartender: Nope. There.
(Cut to Phineas and Ferb. Pan left to reveal Isabella alone at a table with a juice box...)

Back to this thread, I thought it would be funny if the Greedo scene played a little differently in each of my universes (but the first and last ones happened as in the original film), not that that would ever be relevant to an adventure.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

Joined: 14 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DougRed4 wrote:
A fun topic. Excellent idea, Whill.
I'm real particular about things like continuity, and it's part of why I keep meticulous records and details, as that stuff's important to me.

I am like that now, but man how I wish I always was! And I've lost some stuff too, so now I only have some scattered notes remaining, and memories to go off of to look back at my prior campaign universes, and my memories of my oldest 4 universes are often vague at that.

DougRed4 wrote:
For SW, so far my games have all seemed to be in one cohesive universe, though I've not committed to that model. For instance, I've run "Starfall" before (for my kids), along with "The Argovia Strike", and I ran "Heavy Lifting" once at a con. I haven't felt the need to return to either of those (for my current campaign, which is still chronologically before those others), but I still might down the road.
To me, different games within a unified continuity is the very definition of a "campaign". If everything happens within the same "game universe", even set decades apart, then it's all part of the same campaign. I realize that word has different meanings to different people (to one of my players, a "campaign" is simply the adventures he runs), but to me that's what it means.

That's an important distinction. I tend to view a campaign as a series of adventures based around a common group of characters and/or story. I have had one universe that was all one loosely-connected episodic campaign, but several other universes had a couple campaigns that took place within each one, and one universe had many different campaigns. However most of my campaigns are more serial in nature with an overall story arc, and in my universe with a lot of campaigns there were even a couple sequel campaigns with mostly the same characters as before but a different setting and/or story arc. And then I've also ran some single adventures here and there that weren't a part of any campaign as I view them but are still a part of one of my campaign universes.

My universe naming system actually started out as campaign designations because my second major WEG SW campaign was originally to take place within the same universe as my first WEG SW campaign being played concurrently, but then I later decided to split off the second campaign into its own universe mainly to be able to reuse adventures from the first campaign. I suppose that moment is the official birth of my WEG SW multiverse.
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