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How to Identify Force Senstives
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:43 pm    Post subject: How to Identify Force Senstives Reply with quote

How is this done?

Watching TPM it seems that there is both a "short range" sense aspect as well as observation, rumors etc that leads to this.

It did not appear to me that force sentives are "sensed" in some way, becuse this would in a larger degree eliminate the dark side.

it would also not make sense with the historical numbers in the 10s of thousands that everyone would be informed about, rumored and somehow observed, espcially considering that the jedi in particular almost exculively took very young children and even infants.....and I would argue that neither a toddler or an infant would in any way be able to display a force power in a way to "alert" jedi across the galaxy.

Also why Sheev went under the radar.....

So HOW exactly are Force Sensitives identified and f you will "recruited" by orders and societies like the jedi?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TPM established that testing blood for midi-chlorian count is a method for identifying Force-sensitivity.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
TPM established that testing blood for midi-chlorian count is a method for identifying Force-sensitivity.

This much I figure, I am still at a loss as to HOW to identify the subjects.

Blood testing 100s of BILLIONS of individuals...the pool is simply too big.

How are the ones that are in fact tested found and identified beforehand....

it makes little sense to to have a office for everyine to come do some tests....

So HOW are the subjects even identified to be tested.....

I run a test on the "air" and people 10 000 lightyears away react?

How do the jedi know to test the kid on a planet?
There must be some idintifying factor, that makes the jedi WANT to test this person.

I have not seen any referances to this bong random and done to all people/specie in the republic and beyond.

SO HOW are the Subjects SELECTED for teasting, what is the idicators that a test is needed or warranted.....

I can see if a human is born with 3 arms that test may be warranted, but I can not see how a random test soleves this, nor how mere random tests will find anyone....I can see a Billion tests being done with no force sensitive found.

So What is process leading upto the Subject being selected for siad tests?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
Whill wrote:
TPM established that testing blood for midi-chlorian count is a method for identifying Force-sensitivity.

This much I figure, I am still at a loss as to HOW to identify the subjects.
So What is process leading upto the Subject being selected for siad tests?

in the middle of a break at work checking the pit (yeah...).

I have made rules up for this in my force power overhaul, will post up details later ...but...

Anyone who has at least 1D in Sense, gets an ability called "Force Awareness" this is a generic "sensing disturbances in the force..." type thing.

I have also added a specific power called "Sense Force" which is more specific for people, objects and locations.

I created them for a few reasons;

1 - the exact reason you are mentioning.
2 - The vague suggestion about tremors in the force in the R&E - I wanted actual rules.
3 - All the times in the movies, comics, animated etc. where force users sensed "something" ....
4 - I am running a game with ALL force users - so needed to quantify something so they did not feel like it was all "oh, today, the gm wants us to get caught...."

Eventually, when I get done with work (no idea....long day ahead) - I will post up some of my house rules....
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pakman wrote:
Mamatried wrote:
Whill wrote:
TPM established that testing blood for midi-chlorian count is a method for identifying Force-sensitivity.

This much I figure, I am still at a loss as to HOW to identify the subjects.
So What is process leading upto the Subject being selected for siad tests?

in the middle of a break at work checking the pit (yeah...).

I have made rules up for this in my force power overhaul, will post up details later ...but...

Anyone who has at least 1D in Sense, gets an ability called "Force Awareness" this is a generic "sensing disturbances in the force..." type thing.

I have also added a specific power called "Sense Force" which is more specific for people, objects and locations.

I created them for a few reasons;

1 - the exact reason you are mentioning.
2 - The vague suggestion about tremors in the force in the R&E - I wanted actual rules.
3 - All the times in the movies, comics, animated etc. where force users sensed "something" ....
4 - I am running a game with ALL force users - so needed to quantify something so they did not feel like it was all "oh, today, the gm wants us to get caught...."

Eventually, when I get done with work (no idea....long day ahead) - I will post up some of my house rules....


I can't wait to see what you conjure up
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
TPM established that testing blood for midi-chlorian count is a method for identifying Force-sensitivity.

Bet by the time of the New Republic the tech is advanced enough to just do a urine test. To apply for the New Jedi Order, just pee in a cup.
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cheshire wrote:
Whill wrote:
TPM established that testing blood for midi-chlorian count is a method for identifying Force-sensitivity.

Bet by the time of the New Republic the tech is advanced enough to just do a urine test. To apply for the New Jedi Order, just pee in a cup.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Didn't there exist in the novels, a force power someone could use to test if someone was force sensitive or not, that 'knocked' someone back when used.. Plus that scanner thing luke found on Corsucant?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
Whill wrote:
TPM established that testing blood for midi-chlorian count is a method for identifying Force-sensitivity.

This much I figure, I am still at a loss as to HOW to identify the subjects.

Blood testing 100s of BILLIONS of individuals...the pool is simply too big.

How are the ones that are in fact tested found and identified beforehand....

it makes little sense to to have a office for everyine to come do some tests....

So HOW are the subjects even identified to be tested.....

I run a test on the "air" and people 10 000 lightyears away react?

How do the jedi know to test the kid on a planet?
There must be some idintifying factor, that makes the jedi WANT to test this person.

I have not seen any referances to this bong random and done to all people/specie in the republic and beyond.

SO HOW are the Subjects SELECTED for teasting, what is the idicators that a test is needed or warranted.....

I can see if a human is born with 3 arms that test may be warranted, but I can not see how a random test soleves this, nor how mere random tests will find anyone....I can see a Billion tests being done with no force sensitive found.

So What is process leading upto the Subject being selected for siad tests?

They don't have to be identified beforehand. There doesn't have to be a pre-test to the test. Maybe it is official policy on Republic worlds to test all infants at birth, and the results are entered into a database. But there is a bureaucracy to it and it isn't necessarily consistently done. And perhaps on some worlds it is easy to pay off hospital employees to 'lose' results or forge normal results because they don't want the Jedi to come asking to take their baby. With all the legit results that do get entered, the Jedi only have to take notice of counts over a certain threshold, so it is a very small fraction of total results because Force-sensitivity is rare. The many low-count results are not considered.

Remember, the Jedi didn't have to come immediately. They only had to come at some point before the child would later remember his parents if they took the child. It could take them a couple years to follow up on some of the high counts around the galaxy. Many planets could never have any high-count results, so it may only be a small fraction of planets that even have high count results.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Didn't there exist in the novels, a force power someone could use to test if someone was force sensitive or not, that 'knocked' someone back when used.. Plus that scanner thing luke found on Corsucant?

The Jedi Academy Trilogy, although both methods seemed... cheesy... to me. There is also the "disturbance in the Force" sensed by Qui-gon and Obi-wan when they arrived on Tatooine, which turned out to be Anakin Skywalker. But that could easily be argued as being a side-effect of Anakin's strength in the Force, and that more "normal" Force sensitives make much less of a disturbance, and are thus harder to detect.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have always handled it where the Sense force skill can detect variations in the force without a special power. After all this is the very description of the skill. By this measure, a force user in close proximity to a force sensitive may be able to detect them. I never really thought about the difficulty, I would say moderate to difficult, but for every extra force point the force sensitive has it gets easier?

Certainly a force user sensing someone strong in the force would warrant closer investigation and scrutiny?
"There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CRMcNeill wrote:
garhkal wrote:
Didn't there exist in the novels, a force power someone could use to test if someone was force sensitive or not, that 'knocked' someone back when used.. Plus that scanner thing luke found on Corsucant?

The Jedi Academy Trilogy, although both methods seemed... cheesy... to me. There is also the "disturbance in the Force" sensed by Qui-gon and Obi-wan when they arrived on Tatooine, which turned out to be Anakin Skywalker. But that could easily be argued as being a side-effect of Anakin's strength in the Force, and that more "normal" Force sensitives make much less of a disturbance, and are thus harder to detect.

I think it can be argued that the disturbance was also related to the at the time very strong darth maul.....

As well as Anakin....

He was a force prodigy, maybe even unique but yes some form of sense I would think is needed to recognize the ones chosen to be tested.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

KageRyu wrote:
I have always handled it where the Sense force skill can detect variations in the force without a special power. After all this is the very description of the skill. By this measure, a force user in close proximity to a force sensitive may be able to detect them. I never really thought about the difficulty, I would say moderate to difficult, but for every extra force point the force sensitive has it gets easier?

Certainly a force user sensing someone strong in the force would warrant closer investigation and scrutiny?

I too see this in some "sense" aspect, and have no clue as to the difficulties, but I would still count them as slim to none for some jedi on coruscant to dtect a newborn in the mid rim...distance and the "non relations" are both difficulties that usually applies to force powers of this sort.

I am thinking that this is not something the "common jedi" deals with and this may be why the process in TPM did not make all that much sense for a larger scope.

It could be that the jedi order have specialized jedi that "only" senses new births within the force and then seeking them out.

Y\The jedi order while lightsided is NOT one of the best reputation, the tradition of taking young children even the newborn did couse issues, many did not like this. This makes me think that it was not a voulanteer testing thing, but something done only on candidates already known about.

To me it is the "how to find them intially" that is the main issue, but I can Imagine something like a "sense tank" where a group of jediuses a sense power to basically "scan the galaxy" for any form of "new disturbance"

Now as to the disturbance....I see this as both force and life, seeing the ANH and the disturbance felt when Alderaan was destroyed seemed to have less to with the "force" and more so with the "life-power"
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
I think it can be argued that the disturbance was also related to the at the time very strong darth maul.....

Darth Maul was still halfway across the galaxy on Coruscant when this conversation occurred, and he and Sidious had no idea that Amidala might have gone to Tatooine until later.

So, no, it can't be argued.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
But there is a bureaucracy to it and it isn't necessarily consistently done. And perhaps on some worlds it is easy to pay off hospital employees to 'lose' results or forge normal results because they don't want the Jedi to come asking to take their baby. With all the legit results that do get entered, the Jedi only have to take notice of counts over a certain threshold, so it is a very small fraction of total results because Force-sensitivity is rare. The many low-count results are not considered.

That's a good point. DO parents even WANT their kids tested, after seeing some of the stories out there, about jedi coming to take others kids, and the families not 'giving any resistance' (were they mind tricked??)
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